Monday 27 February 2012

beautiful Wiltshire scenes.......................followed by pub lunch and home to watch the rugby (knit)....blisss!!!!!!!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Flat 9

The sun came out this morning in Salisbury and Dobbie made a quite splendid discovery. At about 08.30am a perfect Dobbie-sized square of sunshine beams off the terrace onto the floor beneath the cooker.......
.....and then as the morning goes on its shifts round to the space under the washing machine.......which is his favourite place to lounge with his Teddy............could Flat 9 GET any better??????

Tuesday 21 February 2012

60th Celebrations

So it was Mums 60th this weekend and we had a totally brilliant time!!

We started the celebrations at Eden Hall for a day of pampering................Mum spent the day being massaged and manicured and apart from a brief lesson is swimming technique for me from The Sister we all laid flat on our backs for the whole day only getting up to eat a marvellous 3 course lunch......................
We moved on to Sat Bains Restaurant in the evening for a fantastic 7 course meal with 5 rounds of the most beautiful tasting wine for me and The Sister. I managed to arrange a quick nosy in the kitchen for Mum............she reluctantly shuffled in mistakenly thinking we were in trouble after I tried to share a gag with the french waiter about the treacle sponge being "heavy"!!??!!......poor mum - I didn't understand why she looked so worried - but it was worth it in the end to meet this fine clever man. He didn't seem to mind me accusing him of wearing budgie smugglers at Dad's gym - what a star!!!!
The Sister and I went off to see DJ Rick at Saltwater and enjoyed some fine tunes and had a good nosy at what all the young people are wearing these days and got home to bed by 1.

The next day we got up early to prepare for dinner and spent a few stressful hours arranging for mum to be smuggled into Broadway for a surprise "My Movie" with some new and old friends................
The film choice was perfect and everybody loved it - especially Mum who was a bit giddy in the cinema which was lovely - a giddy 60-year-old-birthday-girl is just what we wanted and everybody agreed she doesn't look a day over 50 :-)
........we rushed home for a 3 course dinner which was based on the food we remember being cooked in childhood - prawn cocktail, chicken chasseur, rhubard fool, bread and butter pudding and pineapple fluff. This could have been tastier but a morning of illness and car-stress for me and The Sister did not help the cooking process. The Sister ran around sorting the car and tidying and cleaning and organising whilst I cooked like a crazy Muppet appearing on Ready Steady Cook.........and it was all OK in the end.

Poor Dad missed out on a major scale. George-commitments meant the most stimulating bit of his weekend was spending 3 hours re-ravelling the un-ravelled wool that Dobbie had decided to entertain himself with whilst we were out - Bad Dog! but everybody Loves Dobbie - he could eat next-doors cat and everybody would find it hilarious!

So hopefully - Dad in particular will enjoy the final surprise of the weekend - a day trip on The Northern Belle down to the RHS flower show at Hampton Court this summer.........
What a great Naylor weekend - just what life is all about! X

Friday 10 February 2012

Lazy Boy

So we woke up this morning to a little dusting of snow on the ground.....
Walk? Seriously!!?? Have you seen it out there????
.....yes yes - put my coat on and I will go back to bed in it - very sensible given the conditions...............
NOOOOOOOOO - I don't wanna go out Grrrrrrrrr