Sunday 30 June 2013

Theres Been A Murgh-durgh

So some more bad stuff happened this weekend although the evidence would suggest Dobbie really was not involved this time....

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Bad Dog

So there has been some bad behaviour from The Dobstar this week.

Firstly he was sick again but this time didnt bother to even move and just puked all over himself. Now I know sometimes this cant be helped but in my world unless you've drunk so much Vodka that you cant move you should at least get up to chunder in an acceptable place - the toilet, the sink, the back door, the gutter - but no - Dobstar can puke on himself and then be wet wiped - perfectly happy with that apparently!!!!

Secondly him and Tarks got left alone and destroyed a set of lovely painted ornamental eggs at Tanglefoot. Now these eggs live in a bowl on the windowledge that Dobbie has happily sat on for the last 18 months without any interest whatsoever. This along with the fact that the egss are too big and slippy for him to get his little tiny adorable innocent mouth round leads me to conclude Tarka was the instigator. I am picturing her picking them up and throwing them at him like a missile - what could he do but defend himself and rip them up??????? Me and Miss Tiny are still in discussion about this matter and the aportioning of blame
.........Look at his perfect adorable sorry innocent little face??? 
Bad Tarka.
OK - so my lovely postcard has a chunk ripped out.... sorry???? it got caught in the letter box???? 
What is that face saying - defiance?
So we went off to watch Tarka at Gun Dog Training this week. 
We weren't invited and were most amused to totally embarrass Tiny with her Country-Proper-Dog friends when we arrived in her fancy Gun Dog Country car. They didn't seem to think we would cut it as a Gun Dog but to be fair there was not a lot of shootin' and huntin' goin on - just learning to sit and stay and try to point your sorry immature nose in the direction of the latest treat - Doh. Not impressed and didn't wanna join that gang anyway.
Sofa-Dog Club is the way forward
much Kooler
(but it has to be said Tarka is VERY good and VERY clever - we just need to learn how to keep up with her!)

Tuesday 18 June 2013


Where have we been????? I don't know!!!!????

 Are we really too busy to post?

 - well NO - we just need to be more disciplined............So we were urged to post right now to share the JOY of being out on our bike together. Despite the fact that YES - this IS the precarious angle that he rides at because we cannot find a solution to the basket-support dilemma despite our best efforts he LOVES riding with me on the bike. We have a little ride then a little stop to sniff then a little ride again.............and all those who see us laugh and smile and point and it is quite certainly the most marvellous thing to do......Dobbie-in-a-basket rocks X