Wednesday 25 September 2013

Dog Guilt

So Our Flat 9 Purchase Paperwork came through the letterbox today....and it had a Big Important Chunk ripped out of it.............Me and Dobbie chatted about it....but he didn't show this much remorse - He is gonna watch this vid for some learning about appropriate remorse.....

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Back To Tanglefoot

So We came home from Our Naylor Holiday and went back to Tanglefoot for a Whole Weekend of Socialising and sharing my World-Famous-Cuteness with Suitably Appreciative Grateful People.
Mum cooked an Amazing meal in a flash on Friday night and I hung out with Wilson (who is a Legend)
Marmite came too. Grrrrrrrrr
She is all better after The Hideousness of Christmas Day which They are all pleased about but We still don't Dig each other that much. 
She knows deep-down I am King and I just tolerate her attempting and failing- miserably to challenge my World-Famous-Cuteness.......zzzzzzzz

Tarka has stopped being a Freak.........Thank The Lord...........and Aunty Tiny missed me appropriately and made a big fuss of Me.......and Marvellous Mat came down to look after Me whilst Mum was working and so everything is cool again.........

Rockin' Rock

So we all went off to Rock last week for our Lovely Naylor hols.

It started off with a blissful relaxing ride down the coast on the train where Dobbie caused great-happiness and widespread-joy by looking Ridiculously Cute and being Ridiculously Good at all times.
Granny took lots of time for Dobbie-cuddles....
and as we relished in the very last chinks of this amazing summer sunshine we had some lovely walks in the dunes...
and on the beach.....
 ....and of course there was always somebody to lend a hand if it all got too tiring on the way back home.......
The Sister and I had some lovely Sundowners on the beach
Dobbie made an attempt to look like a Daschie after meeting some of his brothers-by-anotha-mutha in Padstow. 
The Sister made waves and realised She's still got IT!
and we all had a pretty Awesome time.

We ticked all the Naylor-Holiday traditions boxes........

1) Eat mussels as often as possible - mine were okay, Dad's were legendary!
2) 2x Bedruthen Steps Cream Tea
3) 1x Rickies fish and chips
4) 2x Salt and pepper Squid
5) LOTS and LOTS of LOVELY wine
6) 2x lovely (for The Sister) / hideous painful (for me) runs along the beautiful coastline
7) 1x amazeballs cuzza (sorry Sis you missed it)
8) 1x smoked haddock + a poached egg for breakfast (followed by inevitable chat about "why don't we eat this for breakfast EVERY day coz it's SO amazing??)
9) several delicious crab-based meals - damn the expense - "£17 for 250g fresh crab??? - YES - gimme gimme  - Mum can make it taste worth every penny"
10) general endless chat about how all the best bread in the world can't measure up to Mum's artisan efforts.....

SO we didn't Do Lobster this time - I think this is because as decadent as it is it just NOT a Naylor tradition and it will never beat Dads Mussels, My Cuzza or Mum's Bread.

And we MUST not forget The Sisters contribution - enthusiastic and uncomplaining washing up and dishwasher-packing-and-unpacking is an underappreciated skill.....bless you you little under-appreciated hard-working underdog X 
(and thanks for giving me the BEST jigsaw in the world - LEGEND!)

We stayed in an amazing Fancy Posh Person's Pad with 5 bedrooms and just as many WC's and that fact is only remarkable in how much its totes normal behaviour for us of the many benefits of being a family that all have worked hard in this life to pay for the finer things in life.....and YES - the fact we had 1.25 bathrooms EACH.............made it all worth it!!!! 

And so.......
.....quite easily......
 The Best photo EVAH taken of 
***The Dobstar***
Nothing will ever beat THIS POSE in my opinion
 LOOK at that Movie-Star-Face 
he is SO wasted here with me at boring old Flat 9....