Sunday 27 October 2013

Great South Run

Pre-10 force gale 3 mile run on the home straight - the hair didn't look so good when we got back.
PB on my 10km time at 1:00:41 and did flat 10 minute miles all the way round.
Dobbie hung out with his crew back at the house but I know he was willing me on from the sofa.

Monday 21 October 2013

Prettiest Bitch

So its a late post but just got sent this photo.
Tarks won some rosettes this year
very appropriately she got Prettiest Bitch 
(she really really is - LOOK at that perfect face)

Sunday 20 October 2013

Our Most Amazing Week

So We went off to Bala this week for walking, eating, cuddlin', walking, snoozin' and then more walking followed by some more walking and then a little bit more walking.

Day one we went up Snowdon..... looked like a very long way from relative comfort of The Boot.
 I got to walk with Marvellous Mat and his most excellent bitch Lisa
 The views were pretty spectacular.....
.....which was a good thing as Me and Tarks were pretty nippy up The Pyg and spent quite a bit of time waiting for our Humans to catch up!
 It was amazing at The Summit
 and I hung out and Looked Cute to please the tired crowds.
(This is not a good shot Mum as all my admirers seem to be all looking in the other direction - don't let this fool you - I was a Hit on the mountain).
 The cafe at the top is not dog-friendly but Mum was very excited as we still got to drink take-away Hot Chocolate al fresco at the top (and I had some with a bit of chocolate cookie after I helped mum finish her ham cob).
Ouh it felt SO GOOD!
I was glad to spend quite a bit of time in my Outward Hound Sling
 and Mum was very happy to carry me - she said it was "good for her buns" which I thought was very generous of her as her buns are already pretty tight.
 Tarka is completely all-grown-up was a Very Good Dog and didn't chase any sheep - which kept everybody in a good mood (phewie!)
 So the best bit of the whole sheebang is the pub where cuddles and pork scratchings seem to be the done thing..........Bala Rocks!!!!!