Friday 22 November 2013


So Flat 5 has decided to keep a pot cat outside their front door. Quite amazingly Dobbie continues to be freaked out by it every single day. Every time he sees it he rushes at it and nudges its nose likes its a complete shock that its there "CAT!!!"........which makes me slightly concerned about his short term memory........

Christmas List

It might not work for Dobbie but goodness me Amber would have LOVED one of these yes?


I wonder if George has ever dreamed of doing this to Dobbie?

Saturday 16 November 2013

Christmas Jumper

Its time for The Christmas Jumper to come out.....snuggly

Tuesday 12 November 2013


So it has all been a bit an upheaval what with Miss T abandoning us for The Ring Tailed Lemurs and The Naylors coming to visit. But all is good with the world now its all back to normal and We do love each other really........