Thursday 19 December 2013

Big Burd

Terrible quality photo but a good example of Tiny's standard pose when she has had a few shandies (general non-specific pointing). I was gutted to miss The Doglet's reaction when she put this on and popped her head over the mezzanine level at Tanglefoot (they went wild apparently). What a great night but we are already feeling a bit exhausted what with all this celebrating - bring on Bala for some rest and relaxation............

Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Weigh-In

I know we have been to several Christmas Parties already and I have been fed all sorts of vile rubbish by millions of my adoring fans whilst you partied-on....(roast lamb, soft cheese, breadsticks, houmous, chicken kebab, grated carrot, rum amd ginger and fruit-salad-with-cream) but can I just eat my dinner Mum without feeling guilty??? 
Can I Can I??????
"YES Dobbie - you can as you were 4.9kg today at the vets - which is an impressive 350g loss in 4 weeks on your Pre-Christmas diet - so enjoy - well done - if only my patients were so compliant with my weight loss regime!!......"

And LOOK - we found a FREDDY!!!!!

Monday 16 December 2013

Scrappy Dappy Dooooooo

 So the party season started in earnest this weekend.........
and we slept if off yesterday infront of X Factor - what a marvellous weekend!!!

Friday 13 December 2013


I presume you have all seen this......but it still has to be on the blog......

Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Fire Is On


Raw Food

So with the on-going obsession of everything-Tarka - the freezer has been filled with Raw Food which is what Proper-Country-Dogs should eat apparently.
Well, after carrying this raw chicken leg round the garden like a baby for 10 minutes she then abandoned it on the grass to go and look at the cows. Dobbie decided to take a look at it and she turned into a rabid wolf and showed him all her teeth - I think even she was surprised by how angry she felt!!! Realising that although she didn't want it  - she certainly didnt want Dobbie to have it she decided to bury it by the back door by tucking it under the hose pipe and shoving 3 leaves over the top of it!!!
Not a great success!