Monday 17 March 2014

Sqeaky Foxy

Tarka got a new toy this weekend........
.........a big stoopid squeaky fox which she LOVES
I think it is pretty rubbish but it is comfy to rest my world-famous-cute-little-head on
so I do that and LOVE to watch her sad face watchin' me cuddle it......

Sunday 9 March 2014

Our Fantazi Weekend

Aunty came to see us this weekend....and it was lush...
we did all the usual - 
........started out with a great Friday night dinner....
....went for lunch in town...
(until we got bored and started wrestling under the table)
....went to try on clothes in Joules.... new squeakie toys....
and snuggled.....
....went for beers in a country pub...
all squished in on the passenger seat of Auntie's Very Nice Audi A1...
(it was very snug)
went out to support Emma on her quick?!? dash round the local scenery....
we made a GREAT support team!!!!
....came home for first al fresco brunch of the year on The Terrace....
 ....and then settled down for MORE cuddles on the sofa.....

WHAT a PERFECT weekend-io!!!!!!!!!

Friday 7 March 2014


Am doing a Jamie Oliver creation for tonights supper - this can't be right can it?

Thursday 6 March 2014


Its still pretty wet down here......
not pleasant....
 Dobs came into the office today with me to help me out with some paperwork..
....erm yes I agree Dr Naylor - that looks VERY serious....order a blood test STAT!