Sunday 25 May 2014

The Naylor Gurls Came to Vist

D wore his sun hat with great applomb
We watched Tarka do all her best tricks
We had afternoon tea and drank coffee out of pink cups.
We literally made it through the rain.
We met some top-notch Barry fans.
Some offered tissues to wipe our wet seats and some couldn't actually stand up so excited were they.
Poor Barry just had VERY cold hands
He sang Bermuda Triangle, Mandy, Even Now and Copa amongst other ESSENTIALS
Thank You Barry for making us SO happy!!!!
We had a LOVELY weekend and we HAVE to see him again - just one more time please God - I really think I love him as much as Dobbie!!!

Friday 16 May 2014


So Bob came to see us today....
Dobbie went first.....
...and looks extremely smart!!!!
and then it was time for Tarks......
....she absolutely hated it!.......
Tarka.....I feel your pain....just be brave and tell him to go easy on the blow-dry
Tarka you smell like baby talc!!!!!!
this is a very very very bad day....

Saturday 10 May 2014

Our Neighbours and Havin' a Wash...

Enjoy The Fluffiness whilst you can.......coz BOB is comin'..............