Tuesday 21 October 2014


So I am sure we have been doing lots of really interesting stuff but all I have photos of is this sort of thing........tsk.........

New bed appreciation.............
New living room appreciation.........
...and the joy of STEALING food.....
my sister and this bunny....
...could they be soulmates????

What a lovely Naylor weekend all coming together to help give one of the most lovely women on the planet a suitable send off. She would have so approved of how we all scrubbed up so well and chatted to her friends and then sneaked off for afternoon cinema and pizza and double chocolate brownie with icecream and vowed to worry less and spend more (if we can afford it) AND make more effort to be nice to each other and more interested  in everybody else as much as we can possibly manage. Rest in peace smashing smashing Barbara. In just a handful of encounters You left a very positive little impression on my life X