Wednesday 3 June 2015


So we all went off Kamper-Van-ing this weekend....
Tarks really needs a pillow whilst we are driving to stop her getting car sick....
 She couldn't get totally comfy just lying on me so in the end she (quite successfully) used the seat belt as a sling.....
Living in the van absolutely rocks..........
its like being at home but BETTER - we are all more tightly packed in so there are more opportunities for cuddling and there is less ground to patrol checking for intruders.....

So we just sit here on Our seat and growl at anyone who comes within 500 metres...grrrr..
 and once we have had breakfast and a run on the beach.......
.........we spend a lot of time lying around.....

I did a quick photo session in the sun today after making older people happy by letting them appreciate my world-famous cuteness whilst I sat on their laps.
Isn't life GREAT when I am in it???

Tuesday 26 May 2015

My Trim

So Yeah....Bob came........
So yeah - I don't Love the process but....
SO HOT!!!!!! I am STEAMING.........
.......we have had a Watsapp from Miss Marmite....
.......she wants to hook up again.......
..............she is suddenly feeling much more friendly....
....smell that baby talc bitch........

Sunday 3 May 2015

Tuesday 10 February 2015