Wednesday 30 November 2011

Being Good.......and Fynn

I was a Very Good Boy last night........
.........and slept in my own bed all night.........
I liked it a much in fact that I had a long lie-in this morning
I then had to go off for a very long-walk with Fynn who is big and young and stoopid and looks at me I am some tasty meat morsel baked up especially for him by Pedigree......which is frankly quite worrying and was compounded by the fact that when we got back I discovered He has done THIS to My Spider!!!!!!!!!!!
I am keeping a very very close eye on him..........which is not difficult as he is MASSIVE!

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Sunday Roast Club

So we are off for our first ever "Sunday Roast Club" tonight at Aunty Tiny's lovely country pad. I have been getting increasingly excited about this as I have a strong feeling it will involve a nice long walk followed by a snooze on the sofa before eating my dinner which will have some delicious left-overs in it............BUT................I am quite horrified to tell you that in order to attend SRC I have to have a shower!!!!!!!!!!
Having a shower is not my favourite thing in the whole wide world but mum likes it because I start to look 100% Daschie in the wet.....which is cute........apparently!
After a shower I rub my head on the carpet to try to get rid of the stink of baby shampoo and give myself a really cool hair-do....
..................I was quite pleased with the effect
.....and then mum gave me a side dinner had better be good..........

Dobs X

Friday 25 November 2011

Flat 9

So we have moved into Flat 9. Well......when I say "moved in" I mean "unpacked a few of the 60-or-so boxes that line every wall and cover every square inch of floor".

Its all a bit exhausting but Dobbie seems quite happy - is eating his dinners and playing with his Teddy. He has been out to meet some of his NBF's............but after biting Fynn, running away from Rob and refusing to acknowledge Jacko he needs to work on his networking skills.

We both like our shiny new door - its all very posh down here - just right for us.