Sunday 19 August 2012


So we went off to The Cotswolds this weekend for a spot of Glamping...........
On Friday we had a lovely night out in a very posh pub eating beautiful nosh - the lamb was Phenomenal!!!! (and I acutually got a taste of it becoz Aunty was there)
On Saturday we went off into Cheltenham........
 and we got stopped every 10 paces so people could stop and admire  my ears   me
 we shopped loads....
 and I helped out picking out the dresses in various nice friendly posh boutiques...
which evenutally made me pretty sleepy....
but it was worth it in the end as Aunty picked out some really cool stuff - infact she had to get changed to show off one of her new outfits......I love hanging out with my Uber Cool Aunty
we made the inevitable trip to Waterstones.....zzzzzzzzz
and then hung out at Montpellier Wine Bar for wine, snacks and scrabble (oh - and more general admiration of my massive world-wide famous cute-ness)
We went back to camp for a lovely barbeque Saturday night. 
There were loads of people having a birthday party and they had a stoopid big furry pansy with them who was dressed as a cow - he was pretty embarrased about his outfit - which is understandable
After my dinner I hung out in my glamping bed
whilst Mum and Aunty had wine and played scrabble in the candle light. 
It was a really good night
This morning me and Mum had cuddles in our camping bed
and then we went off to meet Cath and the kids.....
The kids are nearly as cute as me......
but Ollie had a little accident as he needed to "Go" and his Mum did not sort it out quickly enough for him.....which I can totally sympathise with......
he was embarrased to have to walk about with his willy out - I tried to reassure him it was totally cool but Mum and Aunty laughed a lot which was really not helpful....
Poor Ollie!
we had a fab picnic and everybody had a lovely time in the shade and I hoovered up all the crumbs
 my main memory of the weekend was how totally cool and gorgeous my Aunty is - my Mum needs to work on her "look" a bit harder to pull off hanging out with me in public and do me justice - she has taken note.........
 So Glamping is my new favourite thing.
I know I am not yet a fully fledged Camping Dog but I like to think I did Lacey proud.
What a totally fantazi weekend XXXXX

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