Monday 24 September 2012

Our weekend

So I went off to Notts for the weekend to get my hair done. Dobbie stayed at The Parents for steak breakfasts, being encouraged to create havoc on The Park and other General Ruination. Whilst getting my haircut Rebecca (the best hairdresser in the world) made the grave error of telling me all about Whistles new collection so The Sister and I dispatched ourselves off there Saturday morning to stock up with new season knitwear. 6 hours (and a lovely Jamie Oliver lunch) later we made our way home loaded with bags of fantastic new clobber and had the best day shopping evah!!!

I had lots of fun getting to know The Moggies a bit better. They are not mad keen on each other but do have their own favourite little things.........
I LOVE my KatNip
 I LOVE my KatNip........
I LOVE my KatNip
I LOVE my KatNip
 I LOVE my KatNip
I LOVE my KatNip
I LOVE my KatNip
 I LOVE my Cushion
I LOVE my Teddy
 But most of all I LOVE my most amazing life-saving New Mum

Sunday 23 September 2012


just a very quick post dedicated to my new favourite boy...........the most glorious cat I have ever met ***ALFIE***

Thursday 20 September 2012


Gimme the toy........

give it me.....I WANT it......

Sunday 9 September 2012

Port Isaac Weekend

So I went off to Port Isaac for the weekend to pick up The Dobstar after his lovely Cornish holiday with The Naylors. He was a bit dismayed to see me turn up as The Regime had been slightly more relaxed behind my back - 10am wake-ups for delicious fish-based breakfast followed by several hours of snacking, snoozing and cuddles, served up with amazing dinner, more snoozin' and general cuddles before a short walk and then home for tasty pre-bed biscuit supper (repeat daily). Doggie bliss that doesn't happen at Flat 9!!!!!!!

We stayed in the most marvellous big pad high up on the hill with amazing views..............
and great sunsets...............
the perfect setting for tasty sundowners.......
and warming your Gully bottom on the sun-warmed chimneys.......
 and cream teas...........(I calculate The Naylor's had 12 between them!!!)
 and getting freckly whilst consulting the broadsheets.........
George is a Very Old Boy.........his legs are not really doin' what they should (as Dad said - he has to have a little talk to himself before taking on the stairs).......but He is still Very Very Handsome......
Dobbie spent A Lot of time looking supercute......
We were asked so many times "what is He??" that we are considering getting the sentence "He is a Chiweenie - its a Daschund crossed with a Chihuaha" tatooed on his amazing awesome unique ears. He was admired, cuddled, kissed and photographed and took it all in his completely adorable little tiny stride.......

Dobbie and George get along OK............
George tolerates Dobbie and he is sensible enough to realise that George doesn't want any fuss and gets to lick the frying pan out undisturbed.....
We ate a lot of fish purchased straight off the boats from the fishermen in town. Dad was allowed to be let loose with his wallet in the fishmongers and so we enjoyed scallops (with feet), smoked haddock, squid, lobster and crab - a real treat!!!
The only downer for me was bringing our catch-of-the-day home up those evil hills!!! 
You can't avoid hills in PI and I now have 2 inch long calves after The Sister took me running along the coast - but the beautiful views were worth it......
The Naylor Girls had the most fantastic night out on The Slipway watching Fishermens Friends perform on their last night of the season - great weather and great songs in a great setting. I was most impressed by how Mum's lovely 60-year-old bottom coped with sitting on the hard rubbly concrete for 2 hours - I am very proud to say She can still Do It!!!!

We snuck a little spot right by the speakers and it was pretty loud so Dobs had to wear his ear defenders (they don't manafacture them big enough so Grannies cardi had to do)..........
As the sun came down 2 mermaids had a little swim on the shore - I couldn't get a pic as I would have had to fight my way though the crowds but it was quite magical!
Anyway.........back to the cream many opportunities and so much time......(come on Grannie gimme some cake - mum's not lookin')

We got the ferry ovah to Padstein for some shoppin'.............
and we managed to leave Mum alone phone-less and stranded on the dock after she spent too much time on the loo but it gave The Sister and I time to down a glass of vino at The Blue Tomato and Dad blagged a free pass on the way back AND we still got back in time to pick up The Mussels before the shop shut so the crisis was dealt with (PHEW!!)
So to sum it all up.........Fish, Snoozin', Dog-lovin' (children not always allowed) Fish, Snackin', Fish, Snoozin, Wine-in', Sun-in', Fish, Cuddlin', Snoozin' & Snugglin'...........
 GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!