Wednesday 31 October 2012

Not Happy

Dobbie was perfectly happy in his bed today when The Evil Dog Walker arrived. She texted me to say he "wasn't happy" - he was throwing her the "flat-ears" pose I suspect. He is wrapped up safely in his hallway bed right now - preparing himself for having to go pee later.

Monday 29 October 2012


So I went off to Brighton-ville this weekend to see Miss Dodson and we went to a halloween house party. Dressing up was splendid fun - not as much fun as being ID'd in the off license. Mr shopkeeper was concerned he couldn't tell how old I was - clearly need to bandage up my face more often!!!!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Bed Treats

So I found The Dobstar digging around in my bed amongst the pillows today - I have discovered this is where he leaves his little pigskin treats when he is not using them.....uggg....but its not quite as bad as that time I snuggled up with Ambers hoof.......and yes - maybe it should beg the question - "why didn't I notice it earlier????"

Saturday 20 October 2012

NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!

There has been whole load of fuss and stress over the past 2 weeks..........and at the end of the day here I am....sat on my old green cushion wearing my high-viz harness in the same old place - Chill Pill anybody???

Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Weather

Distressingly I find it is THAT time of year again......
The Mac is back........
just don't expect me to act all happy about it.....

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Our Weekend

So The Dobstar and I went off to Derbyshire for a long-overdue reunion with my very special two-some partners-in-crime Lizbeth and Chit. Back in The Day at Med-Skool we were the stars of the show but this weekend it was all about The Kids and Dobbie..........and we had a Fantazi time. 
Activities included swimming (EXTREMELY loud belly flops and relentless splashing (I got out of the pool pretty quick) + a "nice walk" in the country. We set off sporting our Hunter Wellies and Mulberry handbags with NO IDEA of where we were going and cut to 3 hours later after taking a deep dip in a mud bath and totally properly loosing a welly, having a row with a local farmer, taking a slightly stressful walk along a VERY busy road with 4 restless Little People in tow rowing over who would "hold Dobbie" and me running home in bare feet 2 miles down the road to collect the car - we eventually recovered with a pint of shandy at the pub whilst The Mums tried to console me that I was not a totally rubbish useless person  in the company of little people. 
We watched a variety of dancing and singing performances from The Kids - Sophie is pitch perfect, Izzy does a backward crab to rival my own when I was her age, Evie does the Cutest Jumping-into-set you have EVER seen and Bens version of Move Like Jagger was COOL on a major scale.
DobStar was LITERALLY passed around like a little tiny furry cuddly parcel and was a total superstar. I must have shouted "don't pull his legs apart" 20 times but The Little People kept forgetting and thank goodness He was as ever perfectly behaved.
Cuddle ME Dobbie!!!!!!
Who Loves Dobbie? Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012


So I went off to Guildford to polish up my triangular bandaging technique this weekend.......
........whilst Dobs hung out at Tanglefoot with all his Buddies..............

I am SO glad I went to all that trouble making a nice cushion for Tiny's Kitchen bench - it is Much appreciated by all those lucky enough to snooze on it (clearly we always intended the dogs wouldn't get up on much for good intentions)