Sunday 2 December 2012


So the last 2 weeks I went off and cycled from the Gulf of Mexico (via a little tiny 2700metres ascent over The Sierra Madre) to take a swim in the the Pacific Ocean 600km later on the other side.
I encountered 8 nights of camping in conditions varying from hot dense riverside sugar cane fields to a layby on the side of the mountain surrounded by MASSIVELY NOISY ar-tic lorries, gobbling turkeys,  wild mexicans, sun-burnt terthered-up little piggies, miserable sick dogs and general undescribable filth........
I had at least 80 mozzies bites on my little body at one time (most of which occured just on my left butt cheek - I had no idea my butt was SO tasty???), I got through 4 packets of wet wipes, 3 bottles of anti-bac, 6 sets of silicone ear plugs, 2 packets of steroids, 16 sleeping tablets and at least 45 antihistaimes. I was more cold, wet and miserable and then suddenly more hot, sweaty, tired, achey and determined than I have ever been and as an aside I cycled a very very long way wearing the same pair of pants and socks for 6 days on the trot.
(Oh - and I forgot to mention I was also "The Doctore" - so I was attempting to look after people too - 24/7 including a 2.30am wake up to tend to sudden-onset swelling!??) -
so generally I ROCKED........
The physique of some of my clients was of a higher quality than in my normal day job....... 
but dealing with young squadies with big muscles, lots of enthusiasm but little sense is not a walk in the park.....
Luckily I had the opportunity to drink the smoothest tastiest Tequila I have ever encountered which made the ride a whole lot smoother....
and a little part of my heart will always stay in Mexico (but don't ask me to go back there - EVER - I prefer Wales/England/Ireland/Nottingham/Salisbury......Be-JayZus - its SO GOOD to be home

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