Monday 29 July 2013


So we all went off to Lovely Dorset this weekend in our Motorhome!!!!
A new experience for all 4 of us........
 Are you sure you wanna go in there Tarks?
 On the first night we parked up on the Purbeck Hills by Kimmeridge and had a beer and a walk and some tasty food

 and got treated to the most spectaular views of clouds rolling in over the hills from the sea
 the next day it was off for a BEAUTIFUL if not unexpectedly HOT walk from kimmeridge to Tyneham. We were disappointed in the BBC weather report - walking in baking heat in your winter waterproofs slightly (only slightly) detracted from the whole experience
 then it was off onto Studland for a quick drink with Fi and Graham straight off their boat and then it was onto the New Forest via the chain ferry for motorhome equipment envy, good food, brilliant doggie cycling, playing in the stream and then 
more snoozin' on the beige.....
 checkin' out the cabin....
and more general snoozin...
snoozin at night was not so peaceful what with dobbie insisting on getting IN Tinys sleeping bag (so cozy!) and Tarka waking up every half hour very excited that everbody was in one massive bed altoghether!!!! This led to bursts of very loud tail wagging.......zzzzzzzz
Motor Home versus Bell Tent = substance over style but they both have there pros and cons. Yeah the fridge, curtains, flushing loo, hot running water, DVD player and dinky little things everywhere was pretty exciting but bunting, torch candles and proper outdoor living still has a lot to be said for it.
Dobbie is easy either way of course zzzzzzzzz

Sunday 14 July 2013


 So we had a lovely ride on Rachel's bike on Brighton beachfront at 7am this morning watchin life go by. We had had another sleepless sweaty night thanks to closed windows - That Luther has a lot to answer for!!!!....but TOTAL BLISS to be out and about with My Little Man as always.....

and then the sun came out and he LOVE's IT!!!! My little Mexican Man chillin' on the beach....... 
****BIG BIG LOVE*****

Monday 1 July 2013

Basket Ridin' (and ankle-biting shhhhhhh)

So Steve fixed up the basket for us. We couldn't use the bracket as we have front-suspension - which Dobbie is very grateful for!!! 
Riding out-and-about in town is the most blissful thing to do. I haven't been this thrilled with something since my cotton reel holders. 
Infact it was so wonderful to go ridin' with him today I have forgiven him for biting the teenage son of my friends who hosted us at a barbeque last night - yes - you read it right - he actually bit him, classic little dog-style-on the ankles!!!! It was a big party - only 4 humans but 5 dogs and when lovely Charlie arrived on his scooter they all went pack-wild and Dobbie went in at the end after they had all finished barking to have the last word and actually bit him on the ankle - it was HIDEOUS!!! No blood. And Charlie forgave him and fed him lamb from the Barbie anyway. Its a bloody good job he is The Cutest dog in the whole wide world.
Naughty. But seriously - not as naughty as ripping up The John Lewis Leather Rabbit Doorstop at Tanglefoot
eeeeeek - its all been going-off in Wiltshire!!!!!