Monday 1 July 2013

Basket Ridin' (and ankle-biting shhhhhhh)

So Steve fixed up the basket for us. We couldn't use the bracket as we have front-suspension - which Dobbie is very grateful for!!! 
Riding out-and-about in town is the most blissful thing to do. I haven't been this thrilled with something since my cotton reel holders. 
Infact it was so wonderful to go ridin' with him today I have forgiven him for biting the teenage son of my friends who hosted us at a barbeque last night - yes - you read it right - he actually bit him, classic little dog-style-on the ankles!!!! It was a big party - only 4 humans but 5 dogs and when lovely Charlie arrived on his scooter they all went pack-wild and Dobbie went in at the end after they had all finished barking to have the last word and actually bit him on the ankle - it was HIDEOUS!!! No blood. And Charlie forgave him and fed him lamb from the Barbie anyway. Its a bloody good job he is The Cutest dog in the whole wide world.
Naughty. But seriously - not as naughty as ripping up The John Lewis Leather Rabbit Doorstop at Tanglefoot
eeeeeek - its all been going-off in Wiltshire!!!!!

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