Friday 28 February 2014

Cheesy...but so true!

Friday Update

So Tarks came for a sleepover last night.....
now even though she has not had nearly enuff exercise the last few days due to her hideous shakey-paw injury she was as good-as-gold all evening and snuggled peacefully on the sofa....

and then me and Dobs decided to settled down into bed...
and She decided it was just the right time To Play........

 We were not in the mood.......
Dobbie, in particular, was Not Impressed......
But we did eventually all settle down and had the most lovely sleep - interupted occasionally by gently wagging tails and snuggling just a little bit closer all together in each others curves and corners
it was absolute Bliss!
So this morning after a lovely lie in till 07:30 we donned the bag and tape and went for a walk - not attractive but it does the job.
We are all very familiar with this stretchy-stuff in The Naylor household - its genius! and tarks doesnt mind it at all - she can still run at 100 mph no problemo
 and she is back to her normal self (phew) 
Fridays Rock!

Monday 24 February 2014

Tree/Paw/Speeding Disaster/zzzzzzzz

So last weekend I went off to Notts to take Mother out for her birthday and we had a lovely meal and I got new hair and a speeding ticket (Speeding Awareness Course here I come!)
I spent a bit of time with the cats at Grove Mews
They did their usual thang....
Tansy is pretty dull was very well behaved....
Alfie tried to be wild and scary....
 but mostly just sat quietly on my stuff.....
Lovely Bella made an excellent Dobbie-sleeping-substitute.....
I came home to see widespread Wiltshire Tree Devastation - it really was pretty impressive
If this tree pictured below had fallen 180 degrees in the other direction houses would have been squished - and this is just one of a few dozen that have fallen just in the square mile around the flat. However zillions of people havent died I will never know!
This one over at Bishopstone just ripped up the road quite spectacularly - with much upset caused to the country-folk of SP5 - The daily Ocado delivery was compromised so the council received a few angry phone calls let me tell you.....
This weekend I got out with new confidence on my bike with new puncture-resistant tyres (essential given the millions of pot holes and general tree devastation) and had a MARVELLOUS ride
 whilst dobbie did a lot of this...........
and this.......
and then when I got home he did some of this....
 and this.....
 and this......
 so Sunday arrived and I got up ready for my lovely long muddy run with My Very Favourite running-partner but some MAJOR BADNESS was happening with her back weight bearing at I left her at home and she proceeded to lie in bed ALL DAY! and every time we spoke to her she lifted her swollen shakey paw up to show us over and over again it was REALLY REALLY hurting!!!!
 2 doses of paracetamol gave no relief so it was off to the vets this morning and it transpires she has a 1.6cm abcess in her poor little paw!!! 
So after a general anaesthetic and a very very poorly paw we look forward to several days of familiar whimpering, anorexia and general patheticness on a background of no exercise and general hideous doogie-mental-ness
Miss Tiny has been very stoical and practical about it all and whilst Tarks was under GA today she spent her time very usefully contacting her insurers at John Lewis - very sensible.
 Comeon!! I can walk on 3 legs!!! I can I can (she can she can - lets GO!)

Wednesday 12 February 2014


The old Kitchen Bed had blankets on it to protect it from dog-filth which Dobbie tunneled under every morning after his breakfast.......
(it helps with daschie-digestion apparently)

The new Kitchen Bed has no blankets as it is beautiful which he has been very distressed about (he keeps digging away at the corners to try to find a way in - SO adorable!!) the event of not being able to go-under he has decided to go higher.....
Tarks is suitably unimpressed


"Dear Frances
I discovered one of your dogs had poohed in your bedroom this morning - just FYI
Your cleaner Nicky"
Dobbie continues to undertake dirty protests when staying over at Tanglefoot without me........

Saturday 8 February 2014


After a very productive few hours the new Dog Kitchen Bed is finished....
And with the addition of some fresh padding it looks and feels absolutely splendid.
Which makes me a wonderful clever marvellous person
And Miss Tiny and The Dogs Love ME!!!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Dobbie's Tips on Being Helpful

1) Open the post
 2) Put a stop to boring sewing

Move Over!!!!

 It was all a bit squished in bed all together so Tarks just decided to sleep where I am supposed to.

Its Friday - so lets skip!!!