Friday 28 February 2014

Friday Update

So Tarks came for a sleepover last night.....
now even though she has not had nearly enuff exercise the last few days due to her hideous shakey-paw injury she was as good-as-gold all evening and snuggled peacefully on the sofa....

and then me and Dobs decided to settled down into bed...
and She decided it was just the right time To Play........

 We were not in the mood.......
Dobbie, in particular, was Not Impressed......
But we did eventually all settle down and had the most lovely sleep - interupted occasionally by gently wagging tails and snuggling just a little bit closer all together in each others curves and corners
it was absolute Bliss!
So this morning after a lovely lie in till 07:30 we donned the bag and tape and went for a walk - not attractive but it does the job.
We are all very familiar with this stretchy-stuff in The Naylor household - its genius! and tarks doesnt mind it at all - she can still run at 100 mph no problemo
 and she is back to her normal self (phew) 
Fridays Rock!

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