Tuesday 30 September 2014

Car Guilt/JOY!!!!!!!!!

So 2 years ago I was priviledged enough to enjoy driving a brand new car off the forecourt and it has caused me exactly NO stress and I hand-washed it exactly ONCE in 24 months.....

...........the lease was due this week so I dropped it off at the Ford garage and just went and picked up a brand spanking new one.

Thank The Lord that Salesman-Sam was so happy to get my business that he didn't even take a glance at the state I left it in - coated in dog hair, littered with pastry-lunch-on-the-run-debris, peppered with in-a-rush-in-Waitrose-parking-dents and scratches, boot full of bike-related scratches and dents..........I felt really deeply ashamed leaving it with him - but I think deep down he knows something that I don't...so I continue to pay out a considerable amount each month to support my general slovenly car-behaviour...but really - it feels GOOD!!!!!! Vroom vroom VROOM!!!!!!!!!

Monday 29 September 2014


So I went off to Daylesford for my foraging course and it was fantazi.

We stayed in a ridiculously gorgeous cottage only slightly marred by Dobbie projectile vomiting all over the beautiful stone bath.

To be fair I think he was still bilious after finding an interloper on his spot by the Aga at daycare last week......
 erm....me dog...you cat......
 ....this is the bit where you run off looking real scardy and I chase you looking real mean?????
.......this is so very very wrong

Sunday 14 September 2014

Adam's Farm

So we went off to Adams Farm for a MUCH overdue rendevous with Aunty Sis and had the most lovely time. I arrived to find camp completely set up which was BLISS!!!

There was a lot of this........
(Kate Humble's sheep apparently- although me thinks really a labrador dressed in sheep's clothing so enthusiastic was she about FOOD!!!)

and this.......
ITS A SHEEP!!!!!!!!!
and this............
camping dog snoozing (whilst watching sheep-television) - such fun!!!!!

and this........snoozin' together on our big bed...........

and this...........

(Dad's AMAYZING camping burner - very very pleasing to use........)

So a jolly enjoyable time was had by all - especially dobbie who took it all in his furry little stride as always.

Adam did not make an appearance (how rude) but I have his emergency phone number (just incase)

Monday 8 September 2014

That Big Day

So the whole summer has been dominated by This happening......
 ......as for all us "Ice cream Bridesmaids"....we agreed it was the best day we ever spent.......
 and Mrs Lunt was the most happy, calm, fun-filled, beautiful bride I have ever seen......

So glad I was there at The MOST Crazy Silly Massively Happy Beautiful Day.....
And now.............RELAX!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Hello Strangers!!!

So we have been RUBBISH at blogging for just over 3 months............mum has just taken on a TOTALLY RELAXED new job (promise) and the summer is over. X factor has started, Strictly is on the horizon....so we are putting on our cardi's and doggie-jumpers, drawing the curtains and saying a very grateful farewell to the most beautiful summer we have had in years.......and pledging to work harder at keeping in touch with our 3 fans on the blog.....