Monday 15 December 2014

ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO Aunty Sarah came down to see us and we had an epic brilliant weekend..........
Food, fun, shopping, relaxing, walking, sofa and movies and LOADS of cuddles
and I love love love my snuggly thingamie jimmy - SO soft!!!!!

Saturday 6 December 2014

Cat (and Rabbit) in A Hat

So Mum discovered an old secret-santa present in the back of the cupboard and hence we are forced to endure this photo shoot.....
 but actually.....on is quite cosy.....
 ....Totes Agree........
COSY.....and seriously I do look pretty darn good in this - FACT
.........I don't want a lot for Christmas.....
.....there is just one thing I need....
...I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. ....
..I just want you for my own....
..more than you will ever know...
...all I want for christmas .. THIS HAT - did you put catnip in it - I love it!!!!!!!!

Bad Times

So its just 2 weeks till the turkey/salmon/roast beef/yorkies/bread sauce and various mini-pastry goods arrive and I got dragged to the Vets for my boosters and THIS shocking terrible thing happened...........
NOW THEN - LET it be KNOWN - I was (totally altruistically) wearing an aaron-weight festive jumper PURELY to please the crowds at the Christmas market on my walk to the vets and I do not believe this was taken into consideration at my weigh-in...
I DEMAND a recount. 

Apparently I am fat and my teeth are not good again and this new (new????? I have heard it ALL before)................this new (tsk) regime of daily brushing and TINY portions is making me feel DISTINCTLY unfestive.
I may be forced to go on festive strike and REFUSE to wear any festive items EVER again..........
Somebody....PLEASE talk to whoever makes the decisions in this joyless painful place that I now find myself................


After several requests for a Dobbie-Blog update recently I have finally pulled my finger out.
I would love to announce I am bringing you some groundbreaking news of parachute jumps and sky diving but no its much more pedestrian than that.......

We have been doing some reluctant early morning wake-ups.........

and some lovely lie-ins.........

and an attempt at a festive photo shoot..........
WTF is this????
WTF is that???
 am just sayin' you look a bit weird....
I don't think we should fall out about it.....
Maybe if we get the old santa hat out???
.....I just think you look better in the hat.......