Saturday 6 December 2014

Bad Times

So its just 2 weeks till the turkey/salmon/roast beef/yorkies/bread sauce and various mini-pastry goods arrive and I got dragged to the Vets for my boosters and THIS shocking terrible thing happened...........
NOW THEN - LET it be KNOWN - I was (totally altruistically) wearing an aaron-weight festive jumper PURELY to please the crowds at the Christmas market on my walk to the vets and I do not believe this was taken into consideration at my weigh-in...
I DEMAND a recount. 

Apparently I am fat and my teeth are not good again and this new (new????? I have heard it ALL before)................this new (tsk) regime of daily brushing and TINY portions is making me feel DISTINCTLY unfestive.
I may be forced to go on festive strike and REFUSE to wear any festive items EVER again..........
Somebody....PLEASE talk to whoever makes the decisions in this joyless painful place that I now find myself................

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