Thursday 27 December 2012

It's Christmas!!!!!!

Big Burds................
 ..................Big Chews (real Deer Antlers)...........
 Big Big Big Snoozin'................
(even better with like-minded friends)  zzzzzzz.........

Boxing Day Walk - "such fun"
Big Love to Marmite - we missed you - get your lil' furry cute ass well ASAP please XXX

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Some Late Additions

A few photies from Mexico that Have to be on The Blog...

This is one of our fine young men who on the last day was very very close to cutting off his own leg with a machette - my Doctor Face in the background says it all......
 on one of our many stops-for-a-breather at the top of a mountain there was a little shack with a very disabled girl in a simple wheelchair sat in the shade outside. She had a little companion. I couldn't work out his name as the disabled girl couldn't speak but the doggie understood the international language of Dog-Love....
 We weren't supposed to touch dogs in Mexico (The Doctor kept banging on about it)
 Shhhhhhh - don't tell anyone!!!!!

Christmas Wish List


So Tarks came into town with me today for some townie-socialising.
We saw lorries and cyclists and we went into shops with electric doors and into 2 petshops to look at rabbits and snakes. We saw people in wheelchairs and crossed several pedestrian crossings and it was all very good for ticking off the "essential things to show your puppy" list.

She came back to the flat and discovered the toy box whilst I was doing the washing up - very VERY EXCITING!!!!!!!!! Dobbie not so impressed with the whole idea of sharing - in bed with his teddy GRRRRRRRR

Brighton Christmas

 So we went off to Brighton this weekend for our annual festive bash............
Dobbie did a lot of cuddlin'......

and sat on everyones laps..... 
including the bride-to-be (but not till 2014!).......
...apart from this man (we have added - Men-with Beards to the list of things he doesn't like)
it was all pretty exahusting................
 ........but great to see all my gorgeous friends............

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Hot Snoozin'

OK - this is a terrible quality i-phone photo............but is has to be posted - whilst I toiled away today in the miserable cold surrounded by miserable poorly whinging patients from 08.00 till 23.00 earning the pennies to pay for christmas pressies and dog biscuits (yes yes and skiing holidays and new shoes) Dobbie laid by the roaring fire (he is the pale blob at the front in top-hot pole position).........God I wish I was Dobbie rather than me - and to The LA Set - "NO! we are not crating him up and sending him back to you - F**K O**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 10 December 2012


Dobbie was too hung-over from roast pork to resist her advances this weekend - reminds me of that Pooh Boot moment - he gets more like Amber every day!!!



So whilst I was cyclin' in Meico The Sis was preparing for her British Battlefield Ride Challenge next year by having a ma-haseeve fund raising event in Notts.
 Team Tottie were all-hands-on-deck cycling 700km on 2 bikes and raised a tremendous £600
 There were plenty of willing (and completely adorable!!!) helpers.....
...OK - some of them weren't "adorable".......
 Dobbie was on hand too (in his superb superman outfit fashioned by mother (takes me back to that amazing cauldron she made me in primary school))
well done sis XXX

Wednesday 5 December 2012


erm.. I was actually cycling really fast at this point up a steep hill - it was a lot harder than it looks

Pillow Talk

 erm - I wonder if we could be good mates now we are snoozing in adjacent beds?.....
 .........coz I think you are cool and I like you a lot........
....erm - I take it that's a No?.....
.............maybe you just have a headache today - you go ahead and snooze without me - we can try again tomorrow yeah?........yeah???? Dobbie???????

The Tark-meister

 So she is up on the kitchen bed already (note dobbie has settled himself in an elevated position - so very important to establish the status quo)
 she has very very long very spotty (collie-not-spaniel) legs and huge (collie-not-spaniel) ears
AND her tongue slips out whilst snoozing (lacey-stylie)

Sunday 2 December 2012


So the last 2 weeks I went off and cycled from the Gulf of Mexico (via a little tiny 2700metres ascent over The Sierra Madre) to take a swim in the the Pacific Ocean 600km later on the other side.
I encountered 8 nights of camping in conditions varying from hot dense riverside sugar cane fields to a layby on the side of the mountain surrounded by MASSIVELY NOISY ar-tic lorries, gobbling turkeys,  wild mexicans, sun-burnt terthered-up little piggies, miserable sick dogs and general undescribable filth........
I had at least 80 mozzies bites on my little body at one time (most of which occured just on my left butt cheek - I had no idea my butt was SO tasty???), I got through 4 packets of wet wipes, 3 bottles of anti-bac, 6 sets of silicone ear plugs, 2 packets of steroids, 16 sleeping tablets and at least 45 antihistaimes. I was more cold, wet and miserable and then suddenly more hot, sweaty, tired, achey and determined than I have ever been and as an aside I cycled a very very long way wearing the same pair of pants and socks for 6 days on the trot.
(Oh - and I forgot to mention I was also "The Doctore" - so I was attempting to look after people too - 24/7 including a 2.30am wake up to tend to sudden-onset swelling!??) -
so generally I ROCKED........
The physique of some of my clients was of a higher quality than in my normal day job....... 
but dealing with young squadies with big muscles, lots of enthusiasm but little sense is not a walk in the park.....
Luckily I had the opportunity to drink the smoothest tastiest Tequila I have ever encountered which made the ride a whole lot smoother....
and a little part of my heart will always stay in Mexico (but don't ask me to go back there - EVER - I prefer Wales/England/Ireland/Nottingham/Salisbury......Be-JayZus - its SO GOOD to be home

Saturday 17 November 2012

Cuteness Competition (Big Stylie)

Call yourself Cute Little Miss Tarka???
I raise Ya good-for-nuffin' lil' spotty black ass
am sending cute right back atcha -
SHOW me the cuteness (uh huh - too late) - 


I wan' it...gimme the wool....


 .......gratuitous belleh shot......
....(spotty and velvet soft)......
 ....and my sznozzle....grrrr/zzzzz

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Lie in's

So we had a phone call at 7am this morning to tell us all about how Tarka had escpaed into the cow field at the back of the house through some barbed wire and then wouldn't come back through the wire coz it had scratched her and She was scardey and She had to be rescued coz she doesnt even really know She is called Tarka yet and wont recall an then how she had pooped next to the piano and didn't make any attempt whatsoever to tell Tiny when she needed to "go" and then She crept upstairs whilst Tiny was drying her hair (She is not allowed upstairs) and also apparently She has snorted disgusting snot all over her new Mum was very sympathetic and then put the phone down and made a cup of tea and I ate my breakfast and then we got back under the duvet together and mum ate crumpets whilst I snoozed till 10am and thought about how good life is when you are all grown up.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tarka's First Few Days

So - its fair to say She is completely adorable and the first few days have gone very well.
She would LOVE to snuggle with Dobbie.............
 ..........but her brave and persistent attempts so far have not met with much enthusiasm
(Hope versus Despair - need a drink Dobbie?)
 She has tolerated a shower
 and wearing The Mac!
 she lies in Dobbies bed hoping he will come and snuggle
 and then lies in her bed snuggling with her Bear...............
....and then dog, bed and Bear blurr into one.

So - on Day 3 despite screaming the house down at 5am, constantly nicking my wool, trying to chew the carpet and making Dobbie look like a very old man I can report she is very calm and quite certainly very clever - which I think is just what The Deputy Headmistress ordered (phew)