Wednesday 20 June 2012

Auntie's 40th Celebrations is Aunties 40th this week and she came down to The South West to get the party started.

On Day 1 we went for dinner at Sophies Mansion in Apple something-or-other. An Amazing house - full of sniffs (a heady mix of proper old-money, mice, chicken and horses).....only slightly marred when my canine host tried to get frisky with me....I was SOOOO not interested so I flashed her The TC and took over her rubbish dirty dog bed by the Aga and then she kept her distance - old duffer!!!!!

On Day 2 The Bottomley's came to see us and we took Benny to the park. I tolerated being put in the swing and quite enjoyed being a pirate in the pirate ship. As far as small people go Benny is lovely. Not once did he twist my ears round or body slam me and we actually all had a lovely time......
On Day 3 I was NFI at Longleat Safari Park and judging by the big stoopid rubbish beasts that hang out there I didn't miss a thing.......
 BIG stoopid tocks!!!!!!
 trying to steal food off Aunty!!!???? eeeeck!!!! - Major Error!!!!
 ....Alfies big ginger stoopid brother-by-another-mutha.......
........and this FREAK of Nature!!!!! 

Thank GOD I was left at Day-Care with lovely Liz and the permed-up spaniels!
 we were all pretty exhausted that night and so I had loads and loads of lovely cuddles on the sofa with my Very Attentive and Most Lovely Cuddly Aunty
 Day 4 was my Very Favourite Day as we only all went off to The Isle Of Wight on The Ferry!!!!!
me (chillin' on the ferry)
 me (chillin' with my gorgeous mom on The Pier)
 .............yep -  it will come as no surprise to everybody to see that Aunty LOVES Ice Cream.......
................the open top bus tour was FANTASTIC!!!
..........but speedy and WINDY - not good for my "do"............

we saw The Needles (a bit underwhelming me and Mom agreed) but Aunty loved it (she loves pretty much everything which is one of her many positive features)
.......and then we had a very nice little coastal walk......
 and then went back to the ferry for some Major Snoozin'..........My God I needed it - (I don't remember ever partying this hard - even when I used to hang out with Gwen and Gavin) Day 5 came round all too soon and I went off to London Town with The Girls
and met up with Grandad who had come all the way down to pick me up for a little holiday back in Notts. 
whilst Mum and Auntie went off to see Matilda.............
 Am looking forward to mashing it up with The George-Meister the next few days whilst mum goes off to Edinburgh. We are all gonna get back together on Sunday for a nice little traditional Naylor Family Dinner to call a close to the celebrations.......
and do you know what?
I LOVE my Third Life........and All my New Family...........
..........and I am a very happy content little dog  X

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