Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Newfoundland (Slobber Monster)

so I went to Day Care again today.....the house was empty when I arrived so I got dropped off in the conservatory. I was SO excited to see Liz return form her doggie pick ups.....and then This Beast followed her in!!!!!! This picture does not do him justice - his paw is bigger than my head.....and the slobber that hangs from his jowls!!!! OMG - if it drops on me I am gonna need breathing equipment...............does anybody out there make little tiny snorkels???? Liz seperated us all day because he got scared when I growled at him and flashed him the major-tiger canine - You Big Slobbery Hairy Ridiculous Baby......Grrrrrrrr come on Big Boy - I could Take You....Anytime (just don't slobber on me.......or sit on me.....eeeeeek!)

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