Saturday 17 November 2012

Cuteness Competition (Big Stylie)

Call yourself Cute Little Miss Tarka???
I raise Ya good-for-nuffin' lil' spotty black ass
am sending cute right back atcha -
SHOW me the cuteness (uh huh - too late) - 


I wan' it...gimme the wool....


 .......gratuitous belleh shot......
....(spotty and velvet soft)......
 ....and my sznozzle....grrrr/zzzzz

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Lie in's

So we had a phone call at 7am this morning to tell us all about how Tarka had escpaed into the cow field at the back of the house through some barbed wire and then wouldn't come back through the wire coz it had scratched her and She was scardey and She had to be rescued coz she doesnt even really know She is called Tarka yet and wont recall an then how she had pooped next to the piano and didn't make any attempt whatsoever to tell Tiny when she needed to "go" and then She crept upstairs whilst Tiny was drying her hair (She is not allowed upstairs) and also apparently She has snorted disgusting snot all over her new Mum was very sympathetic and then put the phone down and made a cup of tea and I ate my breakfast and then we got back under the duvet together and mum ate crumpets whilst I snoozed till 10am and thought about how good life is when you are all grown up.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tarka's First Few Days

So - its fair to say She is completely adorable and the first few days have gone very well.
She would LOVE to snuggle with Dobbie.............
 ..........but her brave and persistent attempts so far have not met with much enthusiasm
(Hope versus Despair - need a drink Dobbie?)
 She has tolerated a shower
 and wearing The Mac!
 she lies in Dobbies bed hoping he will come and snuggle
 and then lies in her bed snuggling with her Bear...............
....and then dog, bed and Bear blurr into one.

So - on Day 3 despite screaming the house down at 5am, constantly nicking my wool, trying to chew the carpet and making Dobbie look like a very old man I can report she is very calm and quite certainly very clever - which I think is just what The Deputy Headmistress ordered (phew)

Sunday 11 November 2012

Grumpy Pants

Yeah yeah yeah she's really really really cute but look at my ears, look at my little tiny feet that point outwards in the perfect 10-to-2 position - come on - she's Nuffin' compared to me


Monday 5 November 2012

Unprecedented Weather!!!!

FYI -(UNPRECEDENTED - without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled)

So me and Mum and Miss T went off to Bath this weekend to see Bill, Mat and Lisa.
We had the most marvellous drunken dinner party and in the morning I needed to pee at 8am and we opened the door to this (Our new car)!!!!!
I was not sure about the snow at first - you don't see it much in Brighton and is very cold on the old tootsies and ear-bangers......
but it makes everything smell Exciting!!!
 and it just makes you want to rush about...............
 after all than flying about I went home for breakfast (black pudding + bacon) and got pretty sleepy........
 so I laid on Mats very nice mah-hasseeeve sofa with my mate Bill (he watched the Grand Prix and I snored)........
whilst holding paws with my lovely Aunty Miss T........