Monday 15 December 2014

ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO Aunty Sarah came down to see us and we had an epic brilliant weekend..........
Food, fun, shopping, relaxing, walking, sofa and movies and LOADS of cuddles
and I love love love my snuggly thingamie jimmy - SO soft!!!!!

Saturday 6 December 2014

Cat (and Rabbit) in A Hat

So Mum discovered an old secret-santa present in the back of the cupboard and hence we are forced to endure this photo shoot.....
 but actually.....on is quite cosy.....
 ....Totes Agree........
COSY.....and seriously I do look pretty darn good in this - FACT
.........I don't want a lot for Christmas.....
.....there is just one thing I need....
...I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. ....
..I just want you for my own....
..more than you will ever know...
...all I want for christmas .. THIS HAT - did you put catnip in it - I love it!!!!!!!!

Bad Times

So its just 2 weeks till the turkey/salmon/roast beef/yorkies/bread sauce and various mini-pastry goods arrive and I got dragged to the Vets for my boosters and THIS shocking terrible thing happened...........
NOW THEN - LET it be KNOWN - I was (totally altruistically) wearing an aaron-weight festive jumper PURELY to please the crowds at the Christmas market on my walk to the vets and I do not believe this was taken into consideration at my weigh-in...
I DEMAND a recount. 

Apparently I am fat and my teeth are not good again and this new (new????? I have heard it ALL before)................this new (tsk) regime of daily brushing and TINY portions is making me feel DISTINCTLY unfestive.
I may be forced to go on festive strike and REFUSE to wear any festive items EVER again..........
Somebody....PLEASE talk to whoever makes the decisions in this joyless painful place that I now find myself................


After several requests for a Dobbie-Blog update recently I have finally pulled my finger out.
I would love to announce I am bringing you some groundbreaking news of parachute jumps and sky diving but no its much more pedestrian than that.......

We have been doing some reluctant early morning wake-ups.........

and some lovely lie-ins.........

and an attempt at a festive photo shoot..........
WTF is this????
WTF is that???
 am just sayin' you look a bit weird....
I don't think we should fall out about it.....
Maybe if we get the old santa hat out???
.....I just think you look better in the hat.......

Monday 3 November 2014

Ah you've got to love Norfolk!

So apart from the fact Dobbie was The Most inconsiderate selfish noisy roomie the whole weekend we loved going back to Norfolk for the first time in years.

Lovely runs on stunning Holkham beach, cosy pints of good wine at The Hoste, several hours of Naylor-gurl hat-shopping and fab grub from the local fishmongers and butchers more-than made up for the noisy 3am "revellers" in Burnham Market (aka Butlins for posh wannabe/Chelsea tractor drivers)

4 hours journey door-to-door for me and I loved it so lets go back next year. But lets take Tarka with us - SO many birds to chase!!!!

Tuesday 21 October 2014


So I am sure we have been doing lots of really interesting stuff but all I have photos of is this sort of thing........tsk.........

New bed appreciation.............
New living room appreciation.........
...and the joy of STEALING food.....
my sister and this bunny....
...could they be soulmates????

What a lovely Naylor weekend all coming together to help give one of the most lovely women on the planet a suitable send off. She would have so approved of how we all scrubbed up so well and chatted to her friends and then sneaked off for afternoon cinema and pizza and double chocolate brownie with icecream and vowed to worry less and spend more (if we can afford it) AND make more effort to be nice to each other and more interested  in everybody else as much as we can possibly manage. Rest in peace smashing smashing Barbara. In just a handful of encounters You left a very positive little impression on my life X

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Car Guilt/JOY!!!!!!!!!

So 2 years ago I was priviledged enough to enjoy driving a brand new car off the forecourt and it has caused me exactly NO stress and I hand-washed it exactly ONCE in 24 months.....

...........the lease was due this week so I dropped it off at the Ford garage and just went and picked up a brand spanking new one.

Thank The Lord that Salesman-Sam was so happy to get my business that he didn't even take a glance at the state I left it in - coated in dog hair, littered with pastry-lunch-on-the-run-debris, peppered with in-a-rush-in-Waitrose-parking-dents and scratches, boot full of bike-related scratches and dents..........I felt really deeply ashamed leaving it with him - but I think deep down he knows something that I don' I continue to pay out a considerable amount each month to support my general slovenly car-behaviour...but really - it feels GOOD!!!!!! Vroom vroom VROOM!!!!!!!!!

Monday 29 September 2014


So I went off to Daylesford for my foraging course and it was fantazi.

We stayed in a ridiculously gorgeous cottage only slightly marred by Dobbie projectile vomiting all over the beautiful stone bath.

To be fair I think he was still bilious after finding an interloper on his spot by the Aga at daycare last week...... cat......
 ....this is the bit where you run off looking real scardy and I chase you looking real mean?????
.......this is so very very wrong

Sunday 14 September 2014

Adam's Farm

So we went off to Adams Farm for a MUCH overdue rendevous with Aunty Sis and had the most lovely time. I arrived to find camp completely set up which was BLISS!!!

There was a lot of this........
(Kate Humble's sheep apparently- although me thinks really a labrador dressed in sheep's clothing so enthusiastic was she about FOOD!!!)

and this.......
ITS A SHEEP!!!!!!!!!
and this............
camping dog snoozing (whilst watching sheep-television) - such fun!!!!!

and this........snoozin' together on our big bed...........

and this...........

(Dad's AMAYZING camping burner - very very pleasing to use........)

So a jolly enjoyable time was had by all - especially dobbie who took it all in his furry little stride as always.

Adam did not make an appearance (how rude) but I have his emergency phone number (just incase)

Monday 8 September 2014

That Big Day

So the whole summer has been dominated by This happening...... for all us "Ice cream Bridesmaids"....we agreed it was the best day we ever spent.......
 and Mrs Lunt was the most happy, calm, fun-filled, beautiful bride I have ever seen......

So glad I was there at The MOST Crazy Silly Massively Happy Beautiful Day.....
And now.............RELAX!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Hello Strangers!!!

So we have been RUBBISH at blogging for just over 3 months............mum has just taken on a TOTALLY RELAXED new job (promise) and the summer is over. X factor has started, Strictly is on the we are putting on our cardi's and doggie-jumpers, drawing the curtains and saying a very grateful farewell to the most beautiful summer we have had in years.......and pledging to work harder at keeping in touch with our 3 fans on the blog.....

Sunday 25 May 2014

The Naylor Gurls Came to Vist

D wore his sun hat with great applomb
We watched Tarka do all her best tricks
We had afternoon tea and drank coffee out of pink cups.
We literally made it through the rain.
We met some top-notch Barry fans.
Some offered tissues to wipe our wet seats and some couldn't actually stand up so excited were they.
Poor Barry just had VERY cold hands
He sang Bermuda Triangle, Mandy, Even Now and Copa amongst other ESSENTIALS
Thank You Barry for making us SO happy!!!!
We had a LOVELY weekend and we HAVE to see him again - just one more time please God - I really think I love him as much as Dobbie!!!

Friday 16 May 2014


So Bob came to see us today....
Dobbie went first.....
...and looks extremely smart!!!!
and then it was time for Tarks......
....she absolutely hated it!.......
Tarka.....I feel your pain....just be brave and tell him to go easy on the blow-dry
Tarka you smell like baby talc!!!!!!
this is a very very very bad day....