Monday 6 January 2014

Christmas and Nu Year 2013

So we took 2 weeks off this festive time to see friends and family and have a generally marvellous time.
We kicked off in Brighton the weekend before Christmas with our "urban family" for the usual dinner, drinks, more drinks and then more drinks. We had an epic party attended by The Best Santa ever.
Ho Ho Ho
We played festive games with lots of festive kisses and cuddles.....dobs loved it!!! then it was onto Stamford for more dinner, drinks and more drinks.......
Tarka enjoyed the real fire and we all enjoyed the pastry-based goods and mini-everything. Mini yorkshires, mini prawn cocktails, mini sausages and maxi drinks - perfect it was.... then onto Nottingham for shopping, lunching at Iberico, the MOST AMAZING Bloody Mary I have ever tasted (who knew it involved sherry, cherry brandy and pepper vodka???) and meeting The Lovely-Brian at Sinatra's, some fantastic family presents and the most amazing venison pie from mother........
We shall just skim over Turkey-Gate - best forgotten - a lesson learnt that no matter how good the Salisbury Waitrose is NONE of us can tolerate ready-meals no matter how good the brochure looks............mental note that we are all too acomplished at cooking and eating to leave it to anybody else.

So then onto Sheffield.....
My God Daughters still recognise me depsite my neglect of the role the last 3 years.....I don't have any delusions that their enthusiasm to see me is anything to do with me - it was all about Dobbie. But it did make me smile that The Knitted Nativity Scene is still proudly set out in the living room....
It was really lovely to see them and my very old friend Chit. then finally onto Bala....Bill got called away for a family crisis and then we all fell ill one by one and the walking conditions were honestly pretty rubbish. Dobbie nearly drowned in mud several times and it was all bit disappointing. 
BUT Lisa discovered knitting, we did get out for some beautiful/wet walks (there is no bad weather as long as you have the right gear and we all have the right gear), the Aga worked, we had some lovely meals, we enjoyed 10 solid hours of The Bridge and we did complete a jigsaw......

 Dobbie HATES to be left on his own so without Bill to dogsit he had to come with us despite the dreadful conditions. The doggie-papoose was well-used and my lovely new waterproof is filthy from carrying him over the treacherous bits. This is him racing down to The Lake glad to be free of mud for just a moment.

And we come home to Wiltshire to general severe hideousness........proper flooding everywhere - houses being pumped by fire engines, sand bags everywhere, being called to home visits in flooded areas just because elderly perople are so stressed out and me thinking I was was "fine" as I live in a pent house but No - my under-flat-neighbour experiencing water from my roof leaking into her bedroom!!!. 
Distressed people are everywhere in Wiltshire but there are many very happy swans - they can actually swim over to waitrose if they choose!

hello 2014 X

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