Monday 27 January 2014

Our Afternoon....

So I started my new regime of afternoons-off this week and went straight to Tanglefoot to take Tarks for a very muddy run.
She had been at home all morning with Dobbie and had kindly filled the kitchen with feathers after ripping up one of the kitchen-bed cushions......
Dobstar was (as ever) completely innocent.
After a lovely long hour-long run up hill and down muddy dale we came home and then set off again with Dobbie in-tow for a sniff round the fields.....
And She Rolled good and proper.....
these photos don't do it justice - she was DRIPPING in manure
so we did this....
now its been a long time since I showered her.....
she is 15% springer and Oh if you turn away it appears she can SPRING out of the bath and spray liquid manure EVERYWHERE - deep deep deep joy!!!!!

so we cleaned up all the bloody mess and all 3 of us (very damp) got in the car back to flat 9....
 Now Tarks has never recovered from that trip home from Wales when she was very little and we set off 5 mins after her breakfast and she salivated-for-britain and then threw up everywhere and so WILL NOT sit in the footwell EVAH again thankyou very much.
So after Dobbie getting squished for a while they finally worked out a good position.....
 and we came home for sleeps........all exhausted...but very happy

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