Monday 26 December 2011

Boxing Day

So....Boxing Day involves a nice family walk
followed by A WHOLE DAY of food and fuzzy-ing by the fire!!!!!

My First Naylor Family Christmas

My First Naylor Family Christmas was GREAT.............

It all kicked off on Christmas Eve Eve with champagne and hot dogs and Granny was there so I got a taste of sausage
Christmas Eve involved some pretty hardcore-partying into the early hours with my mate Lacey...... Christmas Day Morning I was not looking my best when Mum got up to cook The Turkey at 7.30am
infact I was feelin' so RUFF...............
...........that I decided to climb into Aunties bed and catch a few more Zee's
The pressies were good but George was not on top form so I put his Teddy on my head to cheer him up
Christmas Dinner was pretty darn good
and the Christmas Crackers were good
and Grandad had a little traditional snooze after pudding
I also had a little sleep in the afternoon (but managed to maintain a festive-look at all times)
and then I helped Aunty kick Mum's ass at Scrabble (3 times!!!!)
and all in all we all had a Very Very Festive time

Thursday 22 December 2011


As we have established - stayin' in is RUBBISH so Mum bought me a trolley and now I get to go shopping - Topshop, Debenhams, TK Max, New Look, Waterstones, Superdrug, The Pound Store (loved it!)....................Waitrose......AND......THE BUTCHERS!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha - genius!!! Everybody in the whole town stopped to talk about how cute I look zzzzzzzzzzzz and The BEST BIT OF ALL - I rode home with a bag of pork sausage in the pocket RIGHT next to me!!!! My Mum ROCKS.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Goin' Out

So I had to "stay in" last night and turn down the offer of Wagamammas + cinema because The Dobstar had been in the car all day and there was too much potential for Dog Guilt to risk leaving him alone all night. I felt a bit irritated/sad until we went for our pre-bed walk for a pee and whatever else was necessary and Dobbie was brilliantly hilarous.....he does NOT like rain.......and in fact would rather cross his legs and clench his bum for 9 hours than risk getting ever-so-slightly wet. After less than 5 minutes digging his feet in the carpark tarmac we came back in and he shook himself 20 times over as we walked up to the flat - and I laughed and laughed at his ridiculousness. Tonight he stayed in all alone at Tiny's whilst we went off to Salisbury Cathedral to sing Christmas Carols......and he was very brave....and me and Tiny had a lovely time (if not slightly marred by screaming babies and high religious content) - but feeling Christmassy now and am off shopping tomorrow for all the Christmas grub Yum Yum

Sunday 18 December 2011

Our Weekend

so we had another fantazi weekend back in Nottingham. We hung out at Aunties....Lacey is SO OLD......she doesn't want to hang out with me but is cool about letting me hang out in her bed (sort of)...........
Mum and Aunty went for lunch with The Denholmes
whilst I stayed home with George and the gang.....
and then Mum went out for drinks with LadyLuck and Bari Cathy had her first evah Porn Star Martini......YUM........
Sunday morning we put the fire on and watched Strictly Finals.......on fast forward...whist I had cuddles with Aunty...........
........its Christmas next week..........I think this involves non-stop food, company, walks, sniffs, cuddles and fun - I CANNOT WAIT - only 6 more sleeps zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Dobbie Exhaustion

.........get up early.....walk to work......let Dobbie have a pee and a all morning.....walk Dobbie for as long as possible.......feed Dobbie......walk him all afternoon (trying to ignore horrible Dog Guilt) home.......walk Dobbie......feed with Dobbie......cook and eat tea........walk Dobbie.......go to bed and try to sleep through Dobbie snoring.................and then do it all again the next day...........
Duckie feels just as exhausted as I do - but we still LOVE Dobbie..................................

Monday 12 December 2011

Our Weekend

We were all very excited this weekend As Aunty came to visit!!!!!!
Aunty played with me for ages and stuck stickers on my head whilst she made Superman Pants and then looked after me whilst Mum went out on the lash and both me and Mum were very very pleased with the whole shebang............
.....on Sunday we went on a Very Windy walk up to Old Sarum.......
.........and then after I had showered in preparation for SRC - we went to the pub and had red wine.........
...and beef and ale pie (I only ate the tastiest bits)........
.....and we had lots of cuddles - Lovely it was - see ya next week Aunty xxx

Thursday 8 December 2011

This Week

So during a very productive week I have achieved the following.....

1) covered Dobbies new cushion (which he LOVES)
2) put up my spice shelf (which looks AMAZING and is SO flippin' USEFUL!!!!!)
3) installed my broadband and BT Vision....

and 4) sent off my very first locum invoice......££££££££!!! Work was good. Christ alive its posh down here - have met more Majors and Lady's and Lt.c's in one week than in my entire life - they all super jolly nice though.


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Dr Dobbie

So I went off to work with mum today and hung out in the surgery. Everybody wanted to meet me so I spent time in mum's office and in reception and in pharmacy. We even squeezed in 2 lovely walks in the countryside. Everybody loved me as usual because I pulled loads of cute poses. It was a cool day!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Sunday Morning in Brighton

So I am back in Brighton for the weekend and after a rather noisy night-in last night with all the gang Me and Mum are having quiet time together out and about this morning........
...........we had a lovely stroll along the beachfront..........
..................and then we shared a Full English at a nice little cafe.
Being with My Mum Rocks!!!!!

Christmas in Brighton

So Dobbie and I came down to Brighton for our Urban Family Christmas. This involves all the elements of a proper family Christmas (food, games, fun and falling out) with the addition of a helluva lot more booze.
We all had the most marvellous time and ate like Lords (my Duck Terrine starter with Onion Jam was a winner) and drank like fish's and played Secret Santa and Who's in the Bag and had a lovely old time.
Dobbie was A Very Good Boy and sat on everybody's laps (one of his many special talents) and wore his Santa Hat with great aplomb - let the festive season begin!