Monday 26 December 2011

My First Naylor Family Christmas

My First Naylor Family Christmas was GREAT.............

It all kicked off on Christmas Eve Eve with champagne and hot dogs and Granny was there so I got a taste of sausage
Christmas Eve involved some pretty hardcore-partying into the early hours with my mate Lacey...... Christmas Day Morning I was not looking my best when Mum got up to cook The Turkey at 7.30am
infact I was feelin' so RUFF...............
...........that I decided to climb into Aunties bed and catch a few more Zee's
The pressies were good but George was not on top form so I put his Teddy on my head to cheer him up
Christmas Dinner was pretty darn good
and the Christmas Crackers were good
and Grandad had a little traditional snooze after pudding
I also had a little sleep in the afternoon (but managed to maintain a festive-look at all times)
and then I helped Aunty kick Mum's ass at Scrabble (3 times!!!!)
and all in all we all had a Very Very Festive time

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