Wednesday 21 December 2011

Goin' Out

So I had to "stay in" last night and turn down the offer of Wagamammas + cinema because The Dobstar had been in the car all day and there was too much potential for Dog Guilt to risk leaving him alone all night. I felt a bit irritated/sad until we went for our pre-bed walk for a pee and whatever else was necessary and Dobbie was brilliantly hilarous.....he does NOT like rain.......and in fact would rather cross his legs and clench his bum for 9 hours than risk getting ever-so-slightly wet. After less than 5 minutes digging his feet in the carpark tarmac we came back in and he shook himself 20 times over as we walked up to the flat - and I laughed and laughed at his ridiculousness. Tonight he stayed in all alone at Tiny's whilst we went off to Salisbury Cathedral to sing Christmas Carols......and he was very brave....and me and Tiny had a lovely time (if not slightly marred by screaming babies and high religious content) - but feeling Christmassy now and am off shopping tomorrow for all the Christmas grub Yum Yum

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