Sunday 18 December 2011

Our Weekend

so we had another fantazi weekend back in Nottingham. We hung out at Aunties....Lacey is SO OLD......she doesn't want to hang out with me but is cool about letting me hang out in her bed (sort of)...........
Mum and Aunty went for lunch with The Denholmes
whilst I stayed home with George and the gang.....
and then Mum went out for drinks with LadyLuck and Bari Cathy had her first evah Porn Star Martini......YUM........
Sunday morning we put the fire on and watched Strictly Finals.......on fast forward...whist I had cuddles with Aunty...........
........its Christmas next week..........I think this involves non-stop food, company, walks, sniffs, cuddles and fun - I CANNOT WAIT - only 6 more sleeps zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

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