Sunday 29 July 2012

Dobbie's Roof Terrace

 There are so many new soft furnishings to choose from on my little roof terrace.......
......... I am loving the new coffee table - erm wheres the coffee/biscuits????
 ......the Holly Hock is smells good!......
......all this comfort is making me.........


Our Weekend

So we went off to Manchester via exactly 7 trains to see The Family Smith. Ben and Miss Sophie LOVE Dobbie and he doesn't mind them at all as they are really gorgeous kiddies - which is unsurprising as their Mother is a complete knock-out superstar.
We had a big night out in Wilmslow - check ou the fake tan (essential) - Dobbie went a bit stir crazy what with all the fun we were having (and they have Guinea Pigs!!!!!!!). I was desperate to get home to some peace and quiet but now it feels a bit too quiet. I miss my fantastic friend............

Thursday 26 July 2012


What a bloody horrendously hot day. I sweated my way through 6 hours of endless insect bites and hayfever this morning and then spent 2 hours snoozing on the sofa (me on my back curled up on the cushions spooning dobbie flat on his back with paws in the air). We both woke up feeling pretty rubbish so I had a cold shower and took Dobs for a walk. He ran about for an hour and was looking pretty hot with his little pink tongue hanging out on the way home. We saw loads of peole and dogs looking nice-and-cool paddling about in the river just by the flat so I decided to let him cool off a bit in the water and learnt a very important lesson. Dobbie Can't Swim. It's not just poor technique - he doesn't actually move his legs - he just sank to the bottom and looked up at me (remind you of anything???) I thought it kinder to pull him straight out rather than try to get photographic evidence. I have done some research online and apparently Daschie's can swim but they often do sink "Among those that can’t swim at all or swim only with great difficulty are basset hounds, bulldogs, dachshunds, pugs, corgis, Scottish and Boston terriers and greyhounds" So for all you Dobbie Fans if you are ever walking him near water keep an eye on him coz he is definitely a sinker...............

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Up on The Roof

 New Garden Cushions........

Monday 16 July 2012

Larmer Tree Festival

So We went off to Larmer Tree for a weekend of fun, frolics and MUD. We "went soft" and abandoned the idea of camping as the conditions were pretty harsh - we have seen plenty of MUD before but not ever quite like this.
Parking the car was interesting - luckily a nice man instructed me how to negotiate my way through the MUD.
On Thursday night we were joined by Miss Tiny to watch Tim Minchin and Paloma Faith. It was her first ever festival and everything she had assumed about the horror of festivals proved to be correct. Thank Goodness Tim came up with the goods and she managed to have fun despite the MUD. 
The Sister and I managed to maintain a cool festival appearance despite the MUD............
We witnessed some pretty hare-core intense partying...............
  ..........and spent alot of time sporting ponchos.........
 Lovely Miss Dodson came to see us on Saturday and was very brave despite the MUD.

 We dressed up as Pirates.........(tatoos and everything!!!!)
High Points for me - a lazy afternoon drinking lager in The Social with Jacko and Tiny, Tim Minchin's opinions on Being Ginger, Paloma Faiths Cellulite Celebration, Sarah The Festival Menace (go girl!!!),  smugglin' in contraband, people watchin (especially watching little kids trying to negotiate The MUD with little feet wearing big wellies), being A Pirate, some fantazi folk music, a little bit of knitting, nice loos, no queues and most of all coming home to Tanglefoot, nice breakfasts, comfy beds and warm showers.......and after enjoying some fantastic music, lovely food, scary films, funny comedy and learning how to do the Charlston we came home....slightly MUDDY but otherwise unscathed - bring on next year!!!!

Dobbies Theory on Life

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them (and Do Circles).

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride (and don't stress about your "do").

Take naps (especially if its a lap-nap).

Stretch after emerging from under the duvet.

Avoid biting when simply showing them the Tiger Canine will suffice. 

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass (preferably smeared with fox pooh).

On hot days lie flat out in the sun and pretend to be a Tiger.

When you're happy, dance around and Do Circles.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk (somebody will always carry you if you look cute).

Be loyal (but remember if necessary any lap will do).

Never pretend to be something you're not (unless you are hanging out with The Newfoundland).

If what you want lies buried look cute and somebody will find it for you.

When someone is having a bad day, pull a cute pose, sit on their lap, and snore gently.

Monday 9 July 2012

The Cats

Tansy - super beautiful, super skittish and so frightened of you that you would never actually see her if it weren't for the fact that she can't resist kneading your chest when you are laid flat in a comfy bed.........lovely girl - look at those eyes and those markings (and major respect for that DP in Alfies bed - go girl)!!!!
 Alfie - the biggest hairiest silliest ginger-iest superwimp I have ever encountered - welcome to The Naylor family X

The Pigs (MAJORLY exciting)

can we go out and see The Pigs? Can we? Can we?? Can we???????
 Can we get The Pigs to come downstairs?


So Dobbie has discovered the major excitement that is The Guinea Pigs that reside in unties garden. I was woken at 6am by him licking my face in state of high excitement. This was more than just a request for breakfast.....his whole body was quivering with excitement. The excitement was magnified 10 fold when The Black and White One came downstairs and shoved his nose through the cage so Dobbie could lick his face!!!! Can you imagine the excitement levels??? Totally amazing - The Pigs Rock!!!!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Team Tottie

So we went off to support Team Totti (led by The Supreme Superstar Sassy) on their massive 2 week running extravaganza. 
In the end it was all about Dobbie who has generously agreed to be their mascot. 
He is in high demand so this is a great honour.
I was loving Posh Totti's posh footwear - how did she run so fast in ballet pumps? and Tarty Totties facial glow (all the most amazing people - myself included, sport a little cute tomato face at the finish) and I especially digged DJ Tottie (for obvious reasons).
 Go Team Totti XXXX


so we went and threw The Sister a surprise birthday bash - little Naylor Family Dinner?? oh no no NO - just 40 flippin people, a banquet of gorgoeus food, a fully loaded mini bar in the woodwork shed and a surprise appearance from LadyLuck. We Naylors are not known for our parties (the last one held just 30 years ago) but when we throw one we throw a good one. High points for me were Dad out on the drive in his High Viz, Mum's Amazeballs food (and her fantazi gorgeous-person little helper Barbara).......and mostly Sarahs face as she waved at the crowds through the kitchen window with her jaw on the floor. It was a marvellous marvellous pardeee (but please don't bother startin' plans for my 40th - I am gonna be off on a challenge - Ben Nevis anyone???)............(Dobbie&Me are awaiting photographic evidence of the general marvellous-ness))