Monday 16 July 2012

Larmer Tree Festival

So We went off to Larmer Tree for a weekend of fun, frolics and MUD. We "went soft" and abandoned the idea of camping as the conditions were pretty harsh - we have seen plenty of MUD before but not ever quite like this.
Parking the car was interesting - luckily a nice man instructed me how to negotiate my way through the MUD.
On Thursday night we were joined by Miss Tiny to watch Tim Minchin and Paloma Faith. It was her first ever festival and everything she had assumed about the horror of festivals proved to be correct. Thank Goodness Tim came up with the goods and she managed to have fun despite the MUD. 
The Sister and I managed to maintain a cool festival appearance despite the MUD............
We witnessed some pretty hare-core intense partying...............
  ..........and spent alot of time sporting ponchos.........
 Lovely Miss Dodson came to see us on Saturday and was very brave despite the MUD.

 We dressed up as Pirates.........(tatoos and everything!!!!)
High Points for me - a lazy afternoon drinking lager in The Social with Jacko and Tiny, Tim Minchin's opinions on Being Ginger, Paloma Faiths Cellulite Celebration, Sarah The Festival Menace (go girl!!!),  smugglin' in contraband, people watchin (especially watching little kids trying to negotiate The MUD with little feet wearing big wellies), being A Pirate, some fantazi folk music, a little bit of knitting, nice loos, no queues and most of all coming home to Tanglefoot, nice breakfasts, comfy beds and warm showers.......and after enjoying some fantastic music, lovely food, scary films, funny comedy and learning how to do the Charlston we came home....slightly MUDDY but otherwise unscathed - bring on next year!!!!

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