Thursday 26 July 2012


What a bloody horrendously hot day. I sweated my way through 6 hours of endless insect bites and hayfever this morning and then spent 2 hours snoozing on the sofa (me on my back curled up on the cushions spooning dobbie flat on his back with paws in the air). We both woke up feeling pretty rubbish so I had a cold shower and took Dobs for a walk. He ran about for an hour and was looking pretty hot with his little pink tongue hanging out on the way home. We saw loads of peole and dogs looking nice-and-cool paddling about in the river just by the flat so I decided to let him cool off a bit in the water and learnt a very important lesson. Dobbie Can't Swim. It's not just poor technique - he doesn't actually move his legs - he just sank to the bottom and looked up at me (remind you of anything???) I thought it kinder to pull him straight out rather than try to get photographic evidence. I have done some research online and apparently Daschie's can swim but they often do sink "Among those that can’t swim at all or swim only with great difficulty are basset hounds, bulldogs, dachshunds, pugs, corgis, Scottish and Boston terriers and greyhounds" So for all you Dobbie Fans if you are ever walking him near water keep an eye on him coz he is definitely a sinker...............

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