Thursday 19 December 2013

Big Burd

Terrible quality photo but a good example of Tiny's standard pose when she has had a few shandies (general non-specific pointing). I was gutted to miss The Doglet's reaction when she put this on and popped her head over the mezzanine level at Tanglefoot (they went wild apparently). What a great night but we are already feeling a bit exhausted what with all this celebrating - bring on Bala for some rest and relaxation............

Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Weigh-In

I know we have been to several Christmas Parties already and I have been fed all sorts of vile rubbish by millions of my adoring fans whilst you partied-on....(roast lamb, soft cheese, breadsticks, houmous, chicken kebab, grated carrot, rum amd ginger and fruit-salad-with-cream) but can I just eat my dinner Mum without feeling guilty??? 
Can I Can I??????
"YES Dobbie - you can as you were 4.9kg today at the vets - which is an impressive 350g loss in 4 weeks on your Pre-Christmas diet - so enjoy - well done - if only my patients were so compliant with my weight loss regime!!......"

And LOOK - we found a FREDDY!!!!!

Monday 16 December 2013

Scrappy Dappy Dooooooo

 So the party season started in earnest this weekend.........
and we slept if off yesterday infront of X Factor - what a marvellous weekend!!!

Friday 13 December 2013


I presume you have all seen this......but it still has to be on the blog......

Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Fire Is On


Raw Food

So with the on-going obsession of everything-Tarka - the freezer has been filled with Raw Food which is what Proper-Country-Dogs should eat apparently.
Well, after carrying this raw chicken leg round the garden like a baby for 10 minutes she then abandoned it on the grass to go and look at the cows. Dobbie decided to take a look at it and she turned into a rabid wolf and showed him all her teeth - I think even she was surprised by how angry she felt!!! Realising that although she didn't want it  - she certainly didnt want Dobbie to have it she decided to bury it by the back door by tucking it under the hose pipe and shoving 3 leaves over the top of it!!!
Not a great success!

Friday 22 November 2013


So Flat 5 has decided to keep a pot cat outside their front door. Quite amazingly Dobbie continues to be freaked out by it every single day. Every time he sees it he rushes at it and nudges its nose likes its a complete shock that its there "CAT!!!"........which makes me slightly concerned about his short term memory........

Christmas List

It might not work for Dobbie but goodness me Amber would have LOVED one of these yes?


I wonder if George has ever dreamed of doing this to Dobbie?

Saturday 16 November 2013

Christmas Jumper

Its time for The Christmas Jumper to come out.....snuggly

Tuesday 12 November 2013


So it has all been a bit an upheaval what with Miss T abandoning us for The Ring Tailed Lemurs and The Naylors coming to visit. But all is good with the world now its all back to normal and We do love each other really........

Sunday 27 October 2013

Great South Run

Pre-10 force gale 3 mile run on the home straight - the hair didn't look so good when we got back.
PB on my 10km time at 1:00:41 and did flat 10 minute miles all the way round.
Dobbie hung out with his crew back at the house but I know he was willing me on from the sofa.

Monday 21 October 2013

Prettiest Bitch

So its a late post but just got sent this photo.
Tarks won some rosettes this year
very appropriately she got Prettiest Bitch 
(she really really is - LOOK at that perfect face)

Sunday 20 October 2013

Our Most Amazing Week

So We went off to Bala this week for walking, eating, cuddlin', walking, snoozin' and then more walking followed by some more walking and then a little bit more walking.

Day one we went up Snowdon..... looked like a very long way from relative comfort of The Boot.
 I got to walk with Marvellous Mat and his most excellent bitch Lisa
 The views were pretty spectacular.....
.....which was a good thing as Me and Tarks were pretty nippy up The Pyg and spent quite a bit of time waiting for our Humans to catch up!
 It was amazing at The Summit
 and I hung out and Looked Cute to please the tired crowds.
(This is not a good shot Mum as all my admirers seem to be all looking in the other direction - don't let this fool you - I was a Hit on the mountain).
 The cafe at the top is not dog-friendly but Mum was very excited as we still got to drink take-away Hot Chocolate al fresco at the top (and I had some with a bit of chocolate cookie after I helped mum finish her ham cob).
Ouh it felt SO GOOD!
I was glad to spend quite a bit of time in my Outward Hound Sling
 and Mum was very happy to carry me - she said it was "good for her buns" which I thought was very generous of her as her buns are already pretty tight.
 Tarka is completely all-grown-up was a Very Good Dog and didn't chase any sheep - which kept everybody in a good mood (phewie!)
 So the best bit of the whole sheebang is the pub where cuddles and pork scratchings seem to be the done thing..........Bala Rocks!!!!!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Dog Guilt

So Our Flat 9 Purchase Paperwork came through the letterbox today....and it had a Big Important Chunk ripped out of it.............Me and Dobbie chatted about it....but he didn't show this much remorse - He is gonna watch this vid for some learning about appropriate remorse.....

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Back To Tanglefoot

So We came home from Our Naylor Holiday and went back to Tanglefoot for a Whole Weekend of Socialising and sharing my World-Famous-Cuteness with Suitably Appreciative Grateful People.
Mum cooked an Amazing meal in a flash on Friday night and I hung out with Wilson (who is a Legend)
Marmite came too. Grrrrrrrrr
She is all better after The Hideousness of Christmas Day which They are all pleased about but We still don't Dig each other that much. 
She knows deep-down I am King and I just tolerate her attempting and failing- miserably to challenge my World-Famous-Cuteness.......zzzzzzzz

Tarka has stopped being a Freak.........Thank The Lord...........and Aunty Tiny missed me appropriately and made a big fuss of Me.......and Marvellous Mat came down to look after Me whilst Mum was working and so everything is cool again.........

Rockin' Rock

So we all went off to Rock last week for our Lovely Naylor hols.

It started off with a blissful relaxing ride down the coast on the train where Dobbie caused great-happiness and widespread-joy by looking Ridiculously Cute and being Ridiculously Good at all times.
Granny took lots of time for Dobbie-cuddles....
and as we relished in the very last chinks of this amazing summer sunshine we had some lovely walks in the dunes...
and on the beach.....
 ....and of course there was always somebody to lend a hand if it all got too tiring on the way back home.......
The Sister and I had some lovely Sundowners on the beach
Dobbie made an attempt to look like a Daschie after meeting some of his brothers-by-anotha-mutha in Padstow. 
The Sister made waves and realised She's still got IT!
and we all had a pretty Awesome time.

We ticked all the Naylor-Holiday traditions boxes........

1) Eat mussels as often as possible - mine were okay, Dad's were legendary!
2) 2x Bedruthen Steps Cream Tea
3) 1x Rickies fish and chips
4) 2x Salt and pepper Squid
5) LOTS and LOTS of LOVELY wine
6) 2x lovely (for The Sister) / hideous painful (for me) runs along the beautiful coastline
7) 1x amazeballs cuzza (sorry Sis you missed it)
8) 1x smoked haddock + a poached egg for breakfast (followed by inevitable chat about "why don't we eat this for breakfast EVERY day coz it's SO amazing??)
9) several delicious crab-based meals - damn the expense - "£17 for 250g fresh crab??? - YES - gimme gimme  - Mum can make it taste worth every penny"
10) general endless chat about how all the best bread in the world can't measure up to Mum's artisan efforts.....

SO we didn't Do Lobster this time - I think this is because as decadent as it is it just NOT a Naylor tradition and it will never beat Dads Mussels, My Cuzza or Mum's Bread.

And we MUST not forget The Sisters contribution - enthusiastic and uncomplaining washing up and dishwasher-packing-and-unpacking is an underappreciated skill.....bless you you little under-appreciated hard-working underdog X 
(and thanks for giving me the BEST jigsaw in the world - LEGEND!)

We stayed in an amazing Fancy Posh Person's Pad with 5 bedrooms and just as many WC's and that fact is only remarkable in how much its totes normal behaviour for us of the many benefits of being a family that all have worked hard in this life to pay for the finer things in life.....and YES - the fact we had 1.25 bathrooms EACH.............made it all worth it!!!! 

And so.......
.....quite easily......
 The Best photo EVAH taken of 
***The Dobstar***
Nothing will ever beat THIS POSE in my opinion
 LOOK at that Movie-Star-Face 
he is SO wasted here with me at boring old Flat 9....

Saturday 31 August 2013

20 Years On

So last night Me and Mum hosted a really amazin' party at Flat 9 with all her lovely Uni Girls. 
There was loads of good food and good chat and good cuddles.
They all drank their own body weight in wine and when it got to 2am I tried to lead by example - sleep anybody?????
 We all went off for muffins and bacon this morning.......I got loads of bacon - Mum was too fragile to Even Notice - I like it when she drinks a lot of wine.....
 And then it was off to Guildford today to celebrate Wendys 51st. Everybody totally GOT my World-Famous-Cuteness and I was admired so endlessly it was just perfect. I just circulated all day looking really Super Cute whilst Mum made herself feel better with more wine - it was no effort for me and made everybody ridiculously happy.
The children decided to feed me bread in retun for Doing Circles and Rolling Over.......which Mum got all grumpy about. I have never had bread before and I Love it but apparently it is bad for my belly. Now I am not sure all that wine is good for Mum's belly but you don't see me shouting at innocent generous children do you? 
Several of the women tried to take me home so it was the usual Handbag-checking proceedure as everbody left. One of them offered to swap me for her big old totally-not-world-famously-cute Border Terrier.......
But Mum said "No" and so We came home together on the train.........quite tired, full of bread (Me) and wine (Her) and very happy in the knowledge that I made the world a better place today just by hanging out and looking Super Cute
(and my belly is just fine thank you very much)

Thursday 29 August 2013

Early Starts

so the New Regime this summer in Flat 9 involves gettin' up early EVERY single day and to be perfectly honest I am not a big fan..........
I do like to wake early - about 5am...but only slightly......I keep my eyes tightly shut and don't fully engage my World-Famous-Cuteness...
.......I just jump into bed with mum for more snoozin'.........
 ......when She gets up I listen out whilst She sorts herself out and when the time is right I rush into the kitchen for my tasty Waitrose Salmon-based kibble...........
 and then I go back to bed........
 but She INSISTS on goin' out to do whatevah useless pointless thing that She does all day without me and taking me with her on the way to drop me off with all the Pointless Dogs at Daycare.....
I do NOT like The New Regime..............
Bring on Cornwall.....
Stop shakin' my collar Mum - am so not interested......zzzzzzz

Monday 26 August 2013

Our Weekend

So its been a pretty busy weekend what with all the Socialising we have been doing at Tanglefoot. 

Lovely Hannah came to see us and she is really chilled and Loves to have me on her lap ALL the I obliged her and spent Alot of time on her lap to make sure she felt happy and fulfilled.

We were apparently privileged to receive Colonel Nigel OBE for dinner Saturday night. 
Mum made a big fuss and cooked all day but I wasn't that impressed with him (he made some none-funny comment about my ear-bangers and talked about his Proper Dogs????) but it was OK as he showed his true colours when he let that slug crawl up his jeans and leave slime on Tiny's kitchen chair. You would have thought a Colonel OBE would be too Ninja to let that happen??? Luckily his ipod music selection was a big improvement on Tiny's and his wife Sheri is brilliant and fully understands the importance of my World-Famous Cuteness so all in all it was a good night.

We all went off to the New Forest today for a bike ride which was GREAT apart from the fact that Tarka is acting all weird at the moment and whenever we came across another Dog they were trying to sniff her beehind and jump on her. She was NOT happy about this and kept sitting down with her tail tucked so far under her bum it was ticklin' her chin.
Now I don't know why she was suddenly SO interesting and in return was bein' SO moody but I nearly had to jump out of my bike basket to help her out at one point she was gettin' so much stress at the back end - it was SO not cool. 
I have told her to pull herself together and just dunk her ass in fox pooh - duh????

So We came home tonight for a photo session as what with Tarka being so weird all weekend I did not get as much attention as usual and I decided to show Colonel Nigel (Order of the British Empire) some of my best moves.....

 Colonel Dobbie OBRCC 
(Order of the British Ridiculously Cute Canine)
 Colonel Dobbie OBETB 
(Order of the British Excellence in Beard Trimming)
Colonel Dobbie OBCBN 
(Order of the British Cute Button Nose) not sure that is the sort of manly military award I was thinkin' of when I pulled this pose?

But Whatevah!!! - Its only 12 more sleeps before I get to go to Cornwall and see all my very favourite Naylor-Gang and eat tasty fish treats morning noon and night and have endless cuddles and hang out with George

Cannot WAIT!!!!!!!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Our Weekend

So we went of to Stratford-Upon-Avon for some more camping bliss.
A LOVELY little campsite, friendly and clean.
We decided to crack on with The Prosecco rather than rush to put the tent up - much to the envy of all the Parents around us struggling with tents and kiddies...

When we eventually stopped drinking and put the glorious Bell Tent up there were lots of cuddles........
 ....some with a bit too much tongue action involved.......
How appropriate the wording "Bat Bike" 
We had a lovely BBQ on Friday - best Waitrose peppercorn burgers, halloumi salad with king scallops and big prawns
Dobbie decided he.....
We had breakfast infront of Shakespeare's House whilst He was admired by Japanese and American tourists.......
 and we spent an afternoon hiding from the drizzle in a VERY lovely pub with cool staff, comfy chairs, lovely food and nice tunes......
 .....playing Scrabble, eatin' scrummy food, reading the papers, knitting and drinking coffee....
 ......the Scrabble effort was pretty exhausting.......
 but we made up for it today with a Beautiful little ride down The Greenway.....
in just 10 short miles we managed to fit in tomato's on toast, mushrooms on toast + 2 cream teas!!!
NB - check out Auntie's Michelle Obama upper arms!!!
No bingo-wing flappage goin' on there No Sireee
My arms aren't so perfect but I have new great hair-do
All in All - Bliss it was..........X