Monday 26 August 2013

Our Weekend

So its been a pretty busy weekend what with all the Socialising we have been doing at Tanglefoot. 

Lovely Hannah came to see us and she is really chilled and Loves to have me on her lap ALL the I obliged her and spent Alot of time on her lap to make sure she felt happy and fulfilled.

We were apparently privileged to receive Colonel Nigel OBE for dinner Saturday night. 
Mum made a big fuss and cooked all day but I wasn't that impressed with him (he made some none-funny comment about my ear-bangers and talked about his Proper Dogs????) but it was OK as he showed his true colours when he let that slug crawl up his jeans and leave slime on Tiny's kitchen chair. You would have thought a Colonel OBE would be too Ninja to let that happen??? Luckily his ipod music selection was a big improvement on Tiny's and his wife Sheri is brilliant and fully understands the importance of my World-Famous Cuteness so all in all it was a good night.

We all went off to the New Forest today for a bike ride which was GREAT apart from the fact that Tarka is acting all weird at the moment and whenever we came across another Dog they were trying to sniff her beehind and jump on her. She was NOT happy about this and kept sitting down with her tail tucked so far under her bum it was ticklin' her chin.
Now I don't know why she was suddenly SO interesting and in return was bein' SO moody but I nearly had to jump out of my bike basket to help her out at one point she was gettin' so much stress at the back end - it was SO not cool. 
I have told her to pull herself together and just dunk her ass in fox pooh - duh????

So We came home tonight for a photo session as what with Tarka being so weird all weekend I did not get as much attention as usual and I decided to show Colonel Nigel (Order of the British Empire) some of my best moves.....

 Colonel Dobbie OBRCC 
(Order of the British Ridiculously Cute Canine)
 Colonel Dobbie OBETB 
(Order of the British Excellence in Beard Trimming)
Colonel Dobbie OBCBN 
(Order of the British Cute Button Nose) not sure that is the sort of manly military award I was thinkin' of when I pulled this pose?

But Whatevah!!! - Its only 12 more sleeps before I get to go to Cornwall and see all my very favourite Naylor-Gang and eat tasty fish treats morning noon and night and have endless cuddles and hang out with George

Cannot WAIT!!!!!!!

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