Thursday 29 August 2013

Early Starts

so the New Regime this summer in Flat 9 involves gettin' up early EVERY single day and to be perfectly honest I am not a big fan..........
I do like to wake early - about 5am...but only slightly......I keep my eyes tightly shut and don't fully engage my World-Famous-Cuteness...
.......I just jump into bed with mum for more snoozin'.........
 ......when She gets up I listen out whilst She sorts herself out and when the time is right I rush into the kitchen for my tasty Waitrose Salmon-based kibble...........
 and then I go back to bed........
 but She INSISTS on goin' out to do whatevah useless pointless thing that She does all day without me and taking me with her on the way to drop me off with all the Pointless Dogs at Daycare.....
I do NOT like The New Regime..............
Bring on Cornwall.....
Stop shakin' my collar Mum - am so not interested......zzzzzzz

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