Saturday 31 August 2013

20 Years On

So last night Me and Mum hosted a really amazin' party at Flat 9 with all her lovely Uni Girls. 
There was loads of good food and good chat and good cuddles.
They all drank their own body weight in wine and when it got to 2am I tried to lead by example - sleep anybody?????
 We all went off for muffins and bacon this morning.......I got loads of bacon - Mum was too fragile to Even Notice - I like it when she drinks a lot of wine.....
 And then it was off to Guildford today to celebrate Wendys 51st. Everybody totally GOT my World-Famous-Cuteness and I was admired so endlessly it was just perfect. I just circulated all day looking really Super Cute whilst Mum made herself feel better with more wine - it was no effort for me and made everybody ridiculously happy.
The children decided to feed me bread in retun for Doing Circles and Rolling Over.......which Mum got all grumpy about. I have never had bread before and I Love it but apparently it is bad for my belly. Now I am not sure all that wine is good for Mum's belly but you don't see me shouting at innocent generous children do you? 
Several of the women tried to take me home so it was the usual Handbag-checking proceedure as everbody left. One of them offered to swap me for her big old totally-not-world-famously-cute Border Terrier.......
But Mum said "No" and so We came home together on the train.........quite tired, full of bread (Me) and wine (Her) and very happy in the knowledge that I made the world a better place today just by hanging out and looking Super Cute
(and my belly is just fine thank you very much)

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