Monday 21 January 2013


So We All took Monday off from the relentless toil and hardship of our generally difficult lives to do an early morning walk in the rolling Wiltshire countryside..........
 (didn't everybody take a cheeky snow duvet-day the last few days????)
 Tarks loves the snow - could sniffing get any more exciting?????
 .....Whats THAT smell???????
Is it pheasant, deer, rabbit, hare, wild boar, giraffe, lion, elephant???? 
I dunno.............its just all very ridiculously overwhelmingly bloomin' excitin'!!!!
 gimme the snow-thing - gimme gimme - its cold and weird and smelly and I like it!!!
 Wiltshire is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

(TARKS - "nope - I dont wanna recall - there are PHEASANT down HERE!!!! - its NEARLY as intoxicating as Welsh Sheep")
I do love my mum but I wish she would stop banging on about Recall - she's got Chicken in her pocket so am going with it just for a few seconds - I will stay with her....she will give me the chicken and then I'll run off again to Get the Pheasant/rabbits/boar/giraffes- doh!!!
 It was one of The most beautiful days I can ever remember.....breathe in the Fresh Air, crunch the snow under your feet, sniff out some wildlife....!!!!!!!!!!
Low-Slung-Dobbie came home with 2 tonne weight of snow-balls attached to his armpits, beard, chin, little-tiny-cold-willy and paws. I spent half an hour defosting him - poor Dobbie!!!!

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