Saturday 19 January 2013

SO me and The Sis went off to Austria last week..........
We had an absolutely fantazi time!!!!
We kicked off our hols with a nice little dinner by the riverside in Bristol on saturday night and had the most stress-free delivery direct to Neustift via Easyjet and the hotels taxi service (no travel sickness for the sis - phew!!!)
The weather was pretty challenging....... visibility and BLOODY cold!!!! Minus 37 at one point at the summit - the sister was "a little bit scared" at times but I ignored her and skiied on and she followed VERY bravely - a good technique it seems as she kept up like a trooper to make sure I didn't freeze to death.
we decided to Go with the Helmet trend (everybody is doing it!!!) and thankgoodness we did - my reluctant 200 euro spend protected me from the extreme cold and a premature closing of the chairlift barrier right on my swede by the russians)
It was so cold we had icicles in our hair - very pretty!!!!
The hotel was fab - big quiet room, under floor heating, spotlessly clean and we enjoyed the spa but even The Sis was a bit freaked out in the nakedness. I had one towel and did not know where to put it - so I kept it on my head and tried to cover up as much flesh as i could with my hands - seriously comfort-zone-stretched and completely ASTONISHED it is "completely normal" to stand out butt-naked on the street to cool off............

 We spent a whole lot of time drinking Gluwein, drinking the BEST hot chocolate I have ever tasted, playing scrabble and blokus, having very long sleeps, eating AMAZING food and it was just a great week..........
I had to abandon The Sister at Innsbruck to get home in time for work and it was a terrible journey for her back to Notts and I have come home without my luggage but despite all that am still planning to book again for next year.....
It was all absolutely "perfect"

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