Thursday 24 January 2013


So we all had a nice morning hanging out at Tanglefoot today whilst Mum tried to sew a New-Car bed for Spoilt Tarks.
After opening Aunty's post for her I got on with all the things I like to do to annoy Tarka whilst we are hanging out together.......
 Firstly I like to steal her toy and lie on her new Car-Bed.....
 ..........if she manages to get it back off me I take it away again and get up high on the sofa........
.......when I get bored I like to leave it just out of reach.....(she ain't allowed up on the sofa!!)....
 ......she got fed up and found some of mums wool............
 .....and got in a right tangle............
 she gets really car sick and puked up all over Mums new car on the way home from Wales and so she won't sit on the floor in the car now like she is absolutely supposed to...............
 which is really annoying!!!!!!

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