Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Bean Bag

So I made myself a Bean Bag for my new flat.........I had some spare material and a little space in the corner to fill...............I didn't take any measurements and inadevertently made The Biggest Bean Bag the world has ever seen.........but completely unperturbed by the sheer size of it - Dobbie took to it straight away.......yet another new bed bagsied......is there anywhere that I can claim as my own place to sit???????

Am thrilled with my new MASSIVE bean bag - enjoy it little man X

Sunday 29 January 2012

Settlin' In

Dobbie is making great strides into settling into his new surroundings. He has been spending time with some new friends this week whilst I have been at work - all of whom proclaim him to be "completely marvellous and totally relaxed and friendly to other dogs at all times" and apparently he never ever tries to get into a scrap.....just as long as I am not present.....which is all so depressingly predictable - I am not prepared to take all the blame but still can't help picking him up on the park and clutching him protectively to my bussom when a staffie runs our way.......therapy anybody????

He is also much more relaxed at home and has decided its cool to sleep in the hallway all by himself at night.....in my gloves-and-scarves basket........I think he has got sick of being kicked in the head when I do my usual tossing-about/stretching-out-starshaped but thats cool - as long as he is happy..........***sob***

Thursday 26 January 2012

Dobbies First School Report

Dobs had his first day with the dog-walker today..............and here is his first report

"Dobbie was very pleased to see me - got in my van with no problems and we had a lovely walk. We met lots of other dogs (king charles, springers, collies and one lab) and he was Ok with most, just the lab he was not sure of and rushed past. Lovely dog, so sweet and very obedient!"

Good Boy :-)

Thursday 19 January 2012

Sneakin' About

So me and Aunty and Mum went off to Centre Parks this week. I was not supposed to be there so I had to sneak around in a bag............
..............or a basket..............
..............which was actually brilliant fun!!!!!........
........but despite all the subterfuge..............
...............I got rumbled by the maids.
Mum and Aunty were not sure what gave it away.....erm could it have been the dog biscuits in the cupboard?, the dog meat packet in the bin?, the dog cushion left on the floor, Mr Minky lying in the corner with his ears chewed off or was it possibly my little raincoat hanging on the coat pegs???!!!!!!!
Still. We all had a LOVELY time.
I have NEVER seen so many squirrels in my whole life. They come up to you and shake their bum in your face against the patio door glass!!!!!!!!
Very Very exciting it was.
AND there were millions of rabbits. But you have to chase those. Which is difficult when you are never let off the lead. Totes frustrating!
The low point of the whole shebang for me was this................
............but then we had lots of cuddles which seems to happen more enthusiastically after showering so I guess its worth all the hideousness........

Friday 13 January 2012

Lacey (Loo Loo/Noodle Doodle/Furry Face)

Miss Loo Loo let us all know it was time to call it a day this week and it is with great sadness for us all that she ate her final splendid (much relished) dinner last night and took her very last trip to the lovely vet today and she was put to Rest in the most lovely peaceful way and we can all take great solace in that.
We can take even greater solace in the memories of the most feisty, independant, stubborn, brave and most importantly FURRY little dog we have ever met in our whole entire lives.
Thank Goodness it was The Best Dog Mummy in The Whole World who ended up taking her Home for some truely fun-packed, restful, safe, comfortable and loving years in the end.
And here are some of her best bits - we miss you already Loo Loo...................

...........................Rest in Peace you fantastic fabulous furry little beast

Thursday 5 January 2012

Workin 9-5

Well we are actually workin' 8-7 but the Dobbie charm-factor is making it all so much simpler.
I was contracted to a new surgery this morning.....in deepest darkest Southampton......a long drive away and no idea of the safety of parking and leaving him in the car. I didn't like the carpark - secluded and in a built up area but He was "spotted" first thing by a receptionist and then did his Cute Stuff which meant he spent a total of just 4 hours in the car whilst I had no option to do what I am paid for (consulting with the general public) - and the rest of the day he wandered round the practice being cooed over and fed treats by attentive receptionists.
Thank Goodness my new companion is the cutest thing that ever walked the earth. Lets hope my anxiety about him being stolen (based on the fact the fact that EVERYBODY loves him) abates given time - Dobbie is a mixed blessing that is for sure.......but I wouldn't give him back - not for all the Tea in China

Monday 2 January 2012


So me and Mr D went off to Bala for New Year. It was Dobstar's First Time and despite the presence of Zara - the giant punching, jumping, squashing-me-flat-by-jumping-full-weight-on-me-dog and the up-to-the-shoulders-in-mud-pissing-down-drowning-in-welsh-mud-very-wet-rain-2.5-hour-long-walks I think he liked it?!!?
Tiny, Bill, Leon, Mary, Edward, Kate, Mat, Lisa and Hannah and me managed to have a very civilised time - lots of wine and pate and good chat and no fall outs and a bloody good time despite the broken Aga, the dog-hair stress and the Bloody Awful weather.
Long Live Bala!!!!!
and we have "come home" to Salisbury which is not "home" but still cool. We had a walk round the allotmements tonight and very much enjoyed it. Me and Dobstar are lookin' forward to 2012 in our new pad and look forward to making some new friends......we are starting our makin'-new-friends-plan with Fyn this next 2 weeks........eeeeek!!!!