Friday 13 January 2012

Lacey (Loo Loo/Noodle Doodle/Furry Face)

Miss Loo Loo let us all know it was time to call it a day this week and it is with great sadness for us all that she ate her final splendid (much relished) dinner last night and took her very last trip to the lovely vet today and she was put to Rest in the most lovely peaceful way and we can all take great solace in that.
We can take even greater solace in the memories of the most feisty, independant, stubborn, brave and most importantly FURRY little dog we have ever met in our whole entire lives.
Thank Goodness it was The Best Dog Mummy in The Whole World who ended up taking her Home for some truely fun-packed, restful, safe, comfortable and loving years in the end.
And here are some of her best bits - we miss you already Loo Loo...................

...........................Rest in Peace you fantastic fabulous furry little beast

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