Sunday 29 January 2012

Settlin' In

Dobbie is making great strides into settling into his new surroundings. He has been spending time with some new friends this week whilst I have been at work - all of whom proclaim him to be "completely marvellous and totally relaxed and friendly to other dogs at all times" and apparently he never ever tries to get into a scrap.....just as long as I am not present.....which is all so depressingly predictable - I am not prepared to take all the blame but still can't help picking him up on the park and clutching him protectively to my bussom when a staffie runs our way.......therapy anybody????

He is also much more relaxed at home and has decided its cool to sleep in the hallway all by himself at my gloves-and-scarves basket........I think he has got sick of being kicked in the head when I do my usual tossing-about/stretching-out-starshaped but thats cool - as long as he is happy..........***sob***

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