Thursday 5 January 2012

Workin 9-5

Well we are actually workin' 8-7 but the Dobbie charm-factor is making it all so much simpler.
I was contracted to a new surgery this deepest darkest Southampton......a long drive away and no idea of the safety of parking and leaving him in the car. I didn't like the carpark - secluded and in a built up area but He was "spotted" first thing by a receptionist and then did his Cute Stuff which meant he spent a total of just 4 hours in the car whilst I had no option to do what I am paid for (consulting with the general public) - and the rest of the day he wandered round the practice being cooed over and fed treats by attentive receptionists.
Thank Goodness my new companion is the cutest thing that ever walked the earth. Lets hope my anxiety about him being stolen (based on the fact the fact that EVERYBODY loves him) abates given time - Dobbie is a mixed blessing that is for sure.......but I wouldn't give him back - not for all the Tea in China

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