Sunday 3 March 2013


So I managed to find the right camera lead - and I now have a bit of time off work to tend to the blog - phew!!!

SO the first 2 days all alone at Tanglefoot are going well.

Tarks is taking the temporary loss of her Mum is her stride. She is sitting at the bottom of the stairs now and again and also insists on nudging her way into the bathroom and watching me pee!!??? but otherwise no ill effects from temporary abandonment thank goodness.

She is waking me at half 6 every day for a pee and a poo but then goes back to bed like a very good girl and sleeps for another hour or so. We have been walking and practising recall. This entails me shouting “come” and then her taking a good long 20 seconds to have a really good look round to see what I am trying to distract her from. Its only when she is absolutely 100% sure there is nothing more interesting to do that she will then slowly turn round and come back for her biscuit. If there is something more interesting - pheasants, rabbits, deer or even just a bit of fluff dancing about in the grass she is off for exactly as long as it take for her to get bored and then come back for a treat - its not really recall - its just an option she chooses to take. Seriously though - who can blame her with all the sniffs round here?

The Dobstar is adorable as always - my little furry companion. Deep down he loves Tarks - he likes being part of a gang but just wishes she would not insist on pulling on his ear bangers 24/7 - irritating in the extreme. He has been looking after Tarks at the dog sitters - they were hanging out with a MASSIVE bull mastiff this week called Angel (not a good desciption of her general massive bulky apearance) - Tarks was scared but dobbie showed her who is The Daddy and they all slept together peacefully in the afternoon in one massive big cage along with a chocolate lab!!!

We all miss Miss Tiny but we are getting on fine and SO looking forward to seeing George and the gang this week

I love my antler that I was given for Christmas by Aunty....
...erm....excuse me - that is Mine......
...ok - well you can have it for a little bit......
 ....erm.....can I have it back yet????
 .......erm....Helloooo! Is it my turn yet????

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