Monday 25 March 2013

Skiing Again!!!

So I went off to La Plagne for another little bit of skiing last week....... 
....with some of my most favourite people.....
 Beers on the first night 
(we got the second best snow-week in 5 years - so we were VERY excited)
 Even whilst sat down completely safe drinking lager on a very stable bench with zero risk of slipping Tiny was fully prepared with her safety aparatus
 ....whilst Me and Bill styled it out risking severe head injury at any minute......
 The Girls - very happy on a nice "crusey blue" completely unaware we about to have to Pole-It for a good 2 miles to get to the bar at the was good for the bingo wings tho'

The Most Amazing Lisa (My New Best Friend) bought a fantazi new coat and coped very well with hangin out with her boyfriends weird friends. I will always treasure the memory of dancin' Gangnam Style outside the loo whilst Bill had a poop.......
Mother Mary/The Dalia Lamer/Mother Theresa KICKED ASS on the slopes - booyakasha Mary-Mooster - not only are you the most tolerant person in the world and the best skier of the group (no small thing) BUT you looked NASTY on the slopes - I know my leather-ette H&M NO TOPSHOP trousers were sic-bad but you won (at absolutely everything)

As for me - my skiing was RUBBISH - I had fear all week that I might break something.....not helped by inconsiderate-types falling over and breaking stuff right infront of me and spoiling my day.

The Whole Chalet experience was pretty unpleasant - I think we all forgot how middle aged we are - we underestimated the importance of proper coffee and ground pepper which caused much umbrage and we got served inedible food tds...check it out - ugh!!!!!
BUT - despite that it was a great week
Bring on next year for the 50th's - but lets just make sure we have a cafetiere

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