Sunday 10 March 2013

Calm Down!

So life at Tanglefoot has been absolutely lovely. Its not that we had more fun without Miss Tiny - it would have been much better if she was here - but we just had lots of planned time off for walks and cuddles - which is a luxury we all very much appreciated. 
There was a little bit of everybody-in-bed-together-action given the fact that we all had to get up with Tarks at 6.30am and needed to try to not wake up the whole looks more fun than it was - Dobs is so good at just relaxing - Tarks was just a little pain in the ass - "I wanna join in - but seriously are we Just gonna Lie here???? Let DO something... Get Up Get Up Everybody!!!
Irritating in the extreme at 06.30 hours - Calm Down!!!!!

 after some long walks and big dinners she did settle down at - George tried to show her the way when it comes to chillin'
 "yep just lie down and snooze and think of nice things - like lying down and snoozing - its self propogating - you get me????"
 Dobs of course is an expert at all things chillin & cuddlin'
He has now been taken off to Notts till Easter. 
I asked Him if He was gonna miss Me and He just showed me The Paw
Be Good My Little Man XXX

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